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My Best Friend Jodi!

"Where's The Kitchen Sink?" is one of the first things Jodi would ask me while I was moving into my Residence Hall Room at the U of A in August, 1997. From that point on, we would become great friends! We would do almost everything together: eat dinner, go shopping, talk, swim, WATCH ER, and so many other things...It's been great having her as such a great friend

After Jodi's 21st Birthday, she celebrated by opening a can of Budweiser! This was Jodi's first drink of an alcoholic beverage!

Jodi also helped me entertain my friend Lorri on her two trips out to Tucson. It was a lot of fun having Lorri in town, and Jodi & her talked all the time:-) This picture was taken at the Saguraro National Park, Arizona.
