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All songs are written by Mike Griffith except "Will for Eternity" written by

Paul Remund. All Rights Reserved. . .


Corrupted Immorality

You think were stupid, You think were hypocrites, You ignore us, or laugh in our face,

You say, "I don't need God, All I want is some fun"

The only thing that's fun to you, Is sex, drugs, or hate . . .

So why don’t you listen To what I have to say?

I tell you that God loves you, You say that he’s gay

He offers you eternal life, You throw it away,

Why don’t you need him? Why don’t you want to be saved?


Corrupted Immorality, That’s what I see, I take a walk outside and there’s Sluts on the streets

Go ahead, get drunk, Do what you like, I’m a sinner too, But I don’t want to die . . .

The world thinks the problem, Is crime on the streets

They don’t think of sexual Adultery

I try my best, To do what’s right, It’s hard to resist


God, help us all!


The sin in my life

I try to ignore it, all the things I see, Still am living in this world, distracted by evil scenes,

If I was blind there would be some hope for me, Because all I see is sin, and all my sin destroys me

So why do I do it, why do I forget, Jesus died for my sin; I stand bank and regret it,

Why can’t I be, distant from its disease, For the plague of sin is death, it makes it hard for me to breathe.


Why do I obey this world, Why do I ignore God’s voice,

Why do I put up with this, Why can’t I be different,

Can’t block out the things I see, Still I sin, and still I can’t be,

Independent from it all, I start to sin and then I fall . . .



We allow this world, to corrupt our minds, We can’t stop the sin from reaching inside

Our soul is begging, for happiness, for wealth, We stop the desire from effecting our health

We treasure things on Earth, but why can’t we see, The things we treasure most won’t last, eternally

No need for beauty, no need for possessions, All we need is faith in Christ’s resurrection


Why can’t we be how Christ want’s us to be? Our eyes interfere with the things we need to see

Why hide our evil minds with the beauty of the flesh, What dose future hold for our bodies of our flesh?

Eventually we decay, but our soul lasts forever, We live here each day, only God judges whether

We worship his name or, search all our life, It’s everything, ignore the fame, why endure the pain

In your stupid life. . .


A New Influence

Why do you change how I am?

Why do you influence me?

Why can’t it be, a given choice

Can I decide, how I want to be


It’s my life, so why can’t you see

My choice is not to be

Exactly like you, but be like he

The God who holds my deed

To my soul, to my worldly life

If you can’t trust in he,

Well it’s your life


If you can judge how I am by my clothes

Then you can only judge what you see

For God is the only one who judges

If I don’t know you, you can’t possibly know me


Why do you judge what you can see

You can’t see God, so you don’t believe

Why can’t you believe what eyes can’t see

But soon you will regret . . .


Everything, the things you said

Why can’t you believe?

Well it’s your life!


Buttercup’s Dead

Buttercup’s dead

I don’t know why

He ran across the street

And now he’s dead


And when I see him

He’s all bloody with his

Carcass on the road and a

Decapitated head


Why did he die?

Why can’t he live?

I see him in the street

And he’s dead (2X)


Coming To Pass

I sit here, looking at the street

To see a drive-by shooting spree

They shot my neighbors across my lawn


It’s hard to live in a world of hate

When your families divorced, and you need a

Break from all the pain you feel inside

You fell the . . .


Urge to kill yourself

It’s not the way

What good what that do

If you want to be saved


Sit alone outside

It’s not the same

Hear the sounds of gunshots

The agony of pain


I stare at the sky to see

If God’s waiting there for me

I’m sure he is, but is it my time

To leave this


World of confusion, corrupting youth

Making us lust, spiritual abuse

Is making us avoid God

Why can’t we . . ..


Ignore the world outside

But it’s no use

See the world each day

Inflicted by abuse


The end is coming soon

Not sure when

It won’t last that long

Inflicted my our sin



Why do you worry about your life?

Your happiness won’t save you when you die,

You think there’s no were left to go

How do you think a seed dies, then grows?


With your body you can’t see

That God lives in me

When I die, I’ll be saved

And my soul will be free


Jesus died for all of us

But you don’t believe

His blood was shed for all of us

So we can be free


So is there a reason for life

You stay here for awhile, then you die

Our goal is to have a relationship with him

So we can avoid sin, and live


The fear I see is sin

The sin that traps me in,

The world, the hate, the sorrow,

That surrounds me in the wind,


But Jesus died for all my sin

And I believe in him

So when this world dies

I’ll be with him


Will for Eternity

Apprehended in the darkness,

Gasping for air,

You mind filled with depletion,

And your heart with despair


You’re beginning to get scared,

You can’t even speak,

You begin to ghastly stare,

As a tear rolls down your cheek



Heaven or hell for eternity,

He laid down his life for you and me,

Don’t be afraid to take a stand

It’s in the world, or on your knees


The next thing you know,

A dark object near at hand,

You seek to unfettered,

But it’s reaching for your hand


A place of only fables told,

Existence make believe,

Open your eyes, the darkness still,

It’s all reality




Majority of the people

They fear death,

If I didn’t have God

I’d fear it too


The pain in peoples hearts

It makes them ignore God

Without God, there is no life


Why don’t you see eternity is more important?

You suffer pain on earth, why suffer more in hell?

You mind is full of excuses, you think there is no God

You think your nothing, when you die . . .



You don’t fear God; you keep on thinking that

No one can change you but yourself

God created you, and he can destroy you but

No one can change you but yourself?


You see there’s no opinion!