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Audio, Images, Video, Online Books > Top > Audio - Video Files (for a more complete listing of media files) > Books Online >

A Question of Origins
Apollo 11 Video Library (The First Lunar Landing - Videos including: Buzz Aldrin in the Eagle, command module undocking and manoeuvring, Landing on the Sea of Tranquility -- One Small Step, Neil Armstrong taking his first step onto the moon, and dozens more videos !) Index of /bible/Audio Lessons (Many audio lessons you can download - David Bonner, David Smitherman, Don Patton, Kenneth Chumbley, and others - Wide variety of topics)
Answers In Genesis Ministries (Audio Recordings - Walls of Jericho, Can We Really Trust the Bible?, Dinosaurs and Genesis, more) Ken Ham Broadcast Archivevs (Answers In Genesis with Ken Ham)
Answers In Genesis Ministries (Many audio recordings - Radioisotopes and a Young World, Conversion of An Evolutionist, Creation of the World, Science, Creation and Laws of Nature, Defending the Bible, Flood Waters, Design, Deluge and Dilemma, Noah's Flood, Woolly Mammoth, Catastrophic Plate Tectonics, Rocks, Fossils and the Age of the Earth, and more . . .) Mount St. Helens Photos by Andy McIntosh (Pictures by Dr. Andy McIntosh, professor of thermodynamics - summer 2001)
Astronomy Picture of the Day Archive (NASA - Images Archives from June 1995 through November 2003, including: planets, Voyager, auroras, moons, nebulas, space missions, comets . . . )
Audio files on (Audio Clips - Apollo 8, Cosmology and Red Shift, Dr. Morrow, an evolutionist, comments of the flaws with evolution, Intelligent Design, Polonium 218 halos, Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth, Starlight and Time, and more) Mount St. Helens Photos by the USGS, 1981 (Many great pictures you can download)
Books By Subject (Many online books - Biblical Law, Church History, Creationism, Education, Family, History, and more) Must-See Creation Sites (Many audio and video files - Debates: Gastrich, Krueger, Finley, Barker, Hovind, Pigliucci, Ham, Sarfati, Whitcomb - Creation Sermons by Miles McPhearson - Links)
Craig-Atkins Debate (What is the Evidence For or Against the Existence of God? - William Lane Craig versus Peter W. Atkins, with William F. Buckley, Jr., as Moderator) NASA Multimedia (Collections NASA's Imagery Collections - Astronomy, Earth Science, Historical Collections, Life Sciences, NASA Video . . . )
Creation Debate with scientists and evolutionists (Two videos - Video #3, 2 hours, Dr. Kent Hovind and Mike Schultz with Dr. Terry Prewitt and Nick Powers - Video #8, 2 hours 51 minutes, Dr. Kent Hovind with Dr. William Moore) NSSDC PLANETARY IMAGE CATALOG (NASA images of the planets and their satellites, and comets)
Creation Science Evangelism - Real Video (Excellent series of seven videos, by Dr. Kent Hovind: Age of the Earth, Garden of Eden, Dinosaurs, What is in the Textbooks, Evolution, Foundation for Communism, Nazism, Socialism, and the New World Order, Hovind Theory, Question and Answer Session -- You can download all seven videos for free) Online books (American Christian College & Seminary, with many topics for Apologetics - General Works, Philosophy, Psychology, Aesthetic, Ethics, Religions, History, Geography, Anthropology, Folklore, Social Sciences, Political Science, Law, Education, Music, Fine Arts, Language and Literature, Science, Medicine, Agriculture, Technology, Military Science, Naval Science)
Creation Science Evangelism Seminar (Dr. Kent Hovind's Creation Science Seminar Online In RealVideo. You can purchase the 7-part multimedia seminar on CD for only $8.00, or the video tapes for $99.00, or download all seven seminars for free, to watch on your computer) Online Books in Creation Science (Very extensive list - Defense of Creationism After the Food, Evolution or Creation, Science and Faith, Creation vs. Evolution, Darwin's Mistake, Dinosaurs and Evolution, Evidences for Creation, Evolution Deceit, Evolution: Possible or Impossible ?, Flavius Josephus, Piltdown Man, Radiometric Dating, Science, Naturalism, & Origins - The Creation-Evolution Debate, The Darwin Papers, The Global Flood of Noah, The Great Dinosaur Mistake, Travels of Noah into Europe, and many more)
Creation Science Evangelism - Truth Radio (Creation Science Evangelism - Media Archives on a wide variety of subjects: Richard Dawkins, Dr. Hovind, The Ark, Vestigial Bones, Cavemen, Carbon 14, Mommoths, Day-Age Theory, Manuscripts, Theistic Evolution, Canopy Theory, Fossils, Mars, Gap Theory, Darwin, Ice Age, The Hovind Theory, and much more . . . . ) Online Books Page (Home Page - Books Online, News, Features, Archives, The Inside Story)
Creation Science Graphics (Many graphics - Noah's Ark, Astronomy, Geology, Science, Creation Graphics, Cartoons, Computer Software) Online Books Page (Thousands of books online)
Creation Teaching Audio Recordings (Good selection of audio recordings - Creationism, dinosaurs, radioactive, Grand Canyon, Noah Flood, Star Light) Online Religious Books (Christian Classics, Christian Library)
  On-Site Videos and Quotes (You can view these videos online for free -- Textbook Fraud, Creation Evidence from Mexico, Creation Evidence from South America, Scientific Age of the Earth, Bibical Age of the Earth, Fossil Man, The Fossil Record, Record of the Rocks, What is Creation Science, The Laws of Science)
Creation versus Evolution (Video seminars from Dr. Don Patton, Dr. Kent Hovind, and Ken Ham - You can download) Picturesque Photo Albums (Many pictures - Israel, Jordan, London, Earth from Space, Grand Canyon, Greece, Arches National Park, Niagra Falls, and more)
  Probe Ministries Radio Broadcast (Listen to a variety of online topics)
Debate Between Atheist and Christian (Listen to the audio file = 112 minutes) Question of Origins Video (Creation/Evolutionism - You can view the video online or download)
Denver Museum of Nature (Evolution & Science Images by Paul Abramson) Radio and RealAudio Programs in Creation Science (Radio programs include: Answers with Ken Ham, Creation Science Hour with Kent Hovind, The Stones Cry Out, Truths That Transform -- Audio files: Yale Conference, Wyatt Archeological Research, What's Wrong With Evolution, The Death of Evolution, Signs of Intelligence, Our Young Earth, Darwin's Black Box, Buried Alive - The Truth About Neanderthal Man, and many more)
Denver Museum of Nature (Nature Images by Paul Abramson) Raymond Fleshman's Photos of Mount St. Helens (Beautiful pictures you can download)
Dinosaur and Human Co-existence: ARTWORK (Videos including: Dinosaur Figurines of Mexico, Dinosaur Art from Tombs in Peru, Dinosaur Art from Native Americans -- Also includes links and resources) Refuting Evolution (10 Chapter book by Jonathan Sarfati, Ph.D., F.M.)
Dinosaur Pictures (Index of images of dinosaurs) (Radio shows online, online sermons, news, more)
DINOSAUR PICTURES, Sibbick's dinosaur pictures (Many pictures of dinosaurs) Soulcare Audio/Video Online (Many online presentations)
Dinosaurs Images (Another index of dinosaurs images) Space images from NASA (Images of the solar system, stars, and galaxies)
Discovery Series Monographs Collection (Non-technical monographs written by Dr. Jonathan F. Henry - Days of Creation, Why Do Bad Things Happen?, Dinosaurs, Evolution, Dating, Noah's Flood, fossils) Stephen E. Jones: Phillip E. Johnson (Wide variety of articles, letters, reviews and audio files: Religion, God, Darwinism, Intelligent Design, Evolutionism, Debates on Evolution, God and Darwinism, AIDS)
Dragon/Dinosaur Images (Images from the Smithsonian Institution's Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C., USA - Pictures can be downloaded individually, or as a set) Video and Movie Library (NASA's Video and Movie Libraries - includes clips of Apollo 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, and 17)
Dragon/Dinosaur Images (Photographs taken by Paul Abramson, at the Smithsonian Institute's Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C., USA - Many beautiful pictures - Download complete set)  
Earth Group Page (NASA space missions - Apollo, Clementine, Galileo, Gemini) Canyon, Noah Flood, mutations) Webcast (Listen to live discussions on Creationism)
Evolution Creation Debate (Audio Video Debates, transcripts, reports, debate help and resources) Wikipedia:Public domain image resources - Wikipedia (Objects, Animals and Plants, Nature and Science, People, Locations, Art, U.S. Potage Stamps, General Collections, Miscellaneous, Uncategorized Links) :: RealMedia Resources (Audio Files - Sermons, Scriptures, Back to the Bible, Children's Bible Hour, Inspiring Stories from Around the World, Middle East News Update, RBC Radio, TransWorld Radio, and more) - BOOKS (Audio files, online books, images and articles you can download for free - Creation vs. Evolution Handbook in Chinese, Italian, Japanese, Russian, German, and Swedish)
Images (These images are from the Smithsonian, NASA, Denver Museum of Nature & Science, and other sources) - IMAGES (About 800 images - Dragons, NASA, Dinosaurs, Biology, Mount Saint Helens, Animals, Minerals, Evolution, Science, Old Photos and Drawings of People)
Reference Shelf > Top
Biblical Creation Society (Scientific issues, theology, philosophy, design, archaeology, creation, Dawkins, links)  
Historical, Archaeological, Museum & Other Links (Many topics to explore - Bible, cultures, language, history, people, places) Sacred Scripture (Archaeology, Ancient Near East, Biblical Books, Greece, Rome, Egypt, Judaism, Dead Sea Scrolls, Bible Studies, Hebrew Bible, Manuscripts, Languages, Images, Software, Journals, Libraries, Electronic Texts, Scholarly Societies) Internet Sites (Topics include: Apologetics, Archaeology, Cults, Cultural Issues, Education, Geography, Greek, Hebrew, History, Israel, Latin, Missions, Music, Prayer, Prophecy, Radio, Science and Origins, Search Engines, Writing . . .)
Links to Scholarly Biblical Studies by Ferrell Jenkins (Apologetics, Archaeology & the Bible, Bible Study Software & Tools, Online Bibles, Biblical Backgrounds, Criticism, Manuscripts, Translations, Books, Church History, Research, Evangelism, Greek Studies, Judaism, Maps of Bible Lands, Museums, New Testament Background, Old Testament Materials, Periodicals, Photos, Resources,Online, Study Materials, Theology)  
My Favorite Links (Collection of many links, by Charles Kimball) Wikipedia:Public domain image resources - Wikipedia (Extensive list of links -- Objects, Animals and Plants, Nature/Science, People, Locations, Art, U.S. Postage Stamps, General Collections, Miscellaneous, Uncategorized links)

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Andrews Creationism Index first created December 7, 2003 ~ last updated Friday, December 26, 2003

Thanks for stopping by the Andrews Research & Education Website ~ First Created February 1997

If you have any links to share, or bad links to report, please contact the webmaster ïï Always Under Construction! Visit Again Soon! Credits for images - NASA,, Australian Museum Fish Site, Creation Science Resource, Photos by R. Fleshman,, Michael Myers
Number of visitors since November 9, 2003