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Alex Catalogue of Electronic Texts (Easy to use, and easy to download the texts for reading)

• Bright's Anglo-Saxon Reader

• Online Book Depositories (eText, Hypertext, eBook Collections -- Very good resource for reading)

• Anthology of Chancery English (From the Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia Library)

Children's Books Online (Extensive list of links to many books)

Cinderella Project: Archive Inventory (Various versions of the popular Cinderella story)

Classics Archives (Greco-Roman Authors, from Aristotle through Xenophon. Also includes Confucious, Lao-tzu, Sa'di, and others)

English Literature Resources (Very extensive list of English Literature. Just like having a large library in your own home !)

Fairy Tales by the Grimm Brothers

• 19th-Century German Stories (Also in English)

Harvard Classics, including the Shelf of Fiction (Extensive collection of reading online)

Locomotives in America (The History of the First Locomotives in America, From Original Documents And the Testimony Of Living Witnesses, by William H. Brown, 1871)

Middle English Collection (Includes Chancery, Geoffrey Chaucer, and more)

Online Books Page (News, women writers, prize winners, foreign language, and much more)

• Online Books Page -- Browse by Subject Category (Very extensive collections of books for reading online. Good resource for research)

ORB (The Online Reference Book for Medieval Studies)

Pneumatics of Hero of Alexandria (From the original Greek, translated and edited by Bennet Woodcroft, 1851)

Public Domain Texts (Texts are listed in alphabetical order, by title. Very extensive list.)

Reference Hyperlinks (Including: Biography, Encyclopedia, Geography/Maps, Government, Images, Quotations, Religion, Science, and more)

Steam Engine Library (Collection of historical documents)

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