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American Colonist's Library -- Primary Source Documents (Excellent resource for everyone ! Very extensive collections of valuable historical documents

Arts PBS (Architecture, dance, drama & theater, film, fine art, literature, music, photography, pop & folk art)

Colonial America (Many good links)

Carmel Clay Public Library Children's (Great source for homework links)

English Literature Resources (Very extensive) (Learning is fun ! Games, Quiz Lab, Homework Help)

History PBS (Great resources for projects on the ancient world, biographies, United States, war, world, and more)

Home & How-To PBS (Cooking, home improvement, hobbies, nutrition & fitness, personal finance)

Homework Center (American Revolution, Anne Frank, artillery, Asian History, Civil War, D-Day Normandy, French Revolution, Hundred Year's War, Mexican-American War, Norman Conquest, space race, World History, World War I, World War II, and more)

How Stuff Works - Learn how everything works!

• TUS Media Center (For entertainment and learning. Good sources for radio, video archives, search engines, and more)

NASA (Great website for learning more about science and technology)

National Geographic (Excellent resource for everyone! General reading, study, research, projects, etc.)

Nature PBS (Creatures, habitat, natural phenomena)

News & Views PBS (General news, business, government, international, law, media, military, social issues, religion, and more)

NOVA (Anthrology, disasters, earth, exploration, flight, hearlth, history, nature, physics & math, space, technology)

Popular Science (Great resource for everyone)

• Hargrett Rare Map Collection ( Maps on Colonia America, New World, Revolutionary, American Civil War, Transportation, and more! Many maps you can download)

Science & Technology PBS (Archaeology, anthropology, digitechnology, earth and space, general science, health and medicine, inventions, life science, physics, science mysteries)

Travel & Exploration PBS (U.S. places & cultures, world places & cultures, adventures)

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This web page was created on Saturday, June 8, 2003 ~ Last Updated on Saturday, December 13, 2003