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|| Anthropology - Archaeology || Apologetics || Audio || Bible || Books || Christian Faith || Christian Home Pages || Guestbook || Kid's Links || Reference Materials || Videos ||

Anthropology - Archaeology > Top

Wyatt Archaeological Research (Museum, books, videos, Noah's Ark, Sodom & Gomorrah, Red Sea Crossing, Mt. Sinai, Ark of the Covenant, Pyramid Building, newsletter, tours)

The BibArch Home Page (Tomb of King David, photo gallery, articles, music, Bible chronology, and more) (Archaeology, Bible Questions, Canaan, Ancient Israel Online Exhibit, Dig the Bible, Virtual Exhibit)

Madison Biblical Archaeology Society (MBAS) (Ancient Near East Studies, Palestine Gallery, Ancient World Cultures, Jordan Antiquity)

Megiddo: City of the Bible

Foundation for Biblical Archaeology

Discover Archaeology (Biblical, Archaeometry, Epigraphy, Remote Sensing, Megaliths, Museums,Noah's Ark, Computing, Geoarchaeology, History, Underwater, Resources, and more links)

Biblical Archaeology Society (Online Archive, looters, finds, Iraq, lost items)

Biblical Archaeology (History of Israel, Holy Bible, Septuagint, Dead Sea Scrolls, Messianic Prophecy, Josephus . . .)

Biblical Archaeology (Archaeological expeditions, excavations, Israel, Bible places, Canaan and ancient Israel, Biblical archaeology sites, Digs, Israel Museum)

Bible History Online (Links to many quotes - Study tools: Ancient Documents, Ancient Egypt, Greece, Israel, Near East, Rome, Bible Hible, Bible Searches, Languages, Jesus, Maps, Geography, Museums, Mythology, Weapons, World History, and more)

BASE Institute (Noah's Ark, Mt. Sinai, Ark of the Covenant)

Athena Review Vol.3, no.2: Recent Finds in Archaeology: A Hoax in Japan (Good example of a recent hoax)

Associates for Biblical Research: Biblical Archaeology (Archives, radio show, audio, video, digs, projects, questions and answers, resources)

Armageddon and Biblical Archaeology at Megiddo (Overview, Excavations, petrographic study, Real Videos of the Jezreel Valley, Megiddo, and others, Images)

Archaeology - Truth of the Bible (Archaeological discoveries - translation also in Arabic)

Archaeology Magazine

Ancient Technology (Evidence of an electric battery 2,000 years old, ancient acupuncture, advanced cultures)

Amazing Discoveries in Bible Archaeology (Large Sites, Dead Sea Scrolls, Book Search, Small Sites, Noah's Ark)

Wyatt Archaeological Research (Museum, books, videos, Noah's Ark, Sodom & Gomorrah, Red Sea Crossing, Mt. Sinai, Ark of the Covenant, Pyramid Building, newsletter, tours)

Archaeology and the Bible - Christian Answers (Evidence supporting the Bible - Loads slow, but worth waiting for)

Apologetics > Top

CRI Archive (Online articles from the Christian Research Institute)

Creation Class #9 Evidence that Demands a Verdict (Online slide presentaion)

Stand to Reason (Questions & Answers, Evangelism, Bible Study Tools, Center for Science & Culture, Christian Logic, Guide to Logic Fallacies, Abortion, Origins, Ten Reasons to Believe)

Apologetics Links (80 links on a wide variety of subjects)

Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry (Islam, Relativism, Evangelism, Christian Discussion Forums, Evolution, Questions)

Confirmations of Biblical Events - ChristianAnswers.Net (Is there any confirmation of Biblical events from written sources outside the Bible? - Also in French, Indonesian, Portuguese, Spanish, and Swedish)

Is the Bible True? (Various topics to explore - Josephus, Dead Sea Scrolls, Biblical Prophecy, Bible Archaeology, Messianic Prophecy, Septuagint, History of Israel, Prophecies of Daniel . . . )

Does God Exist Philosophically? (Meditation, Adam and Eve, Morality, Is God Real?, Why Am I Here?, Egyptian Gods, Greek Gods, Polytheism, Roman Gods, Agnostic, Naturalism, Does God Exist?, God, Humanism . . . )

Does God Exist? Your Foundational Worldview (Explore the evidence - DNA, dinosaurs, uniformitarianism, ID, Big Bang, catastrophism, geology, human evolution, Piltdown Man, Proof of God, Second Law of Thermodynamics)

Is the Bible Creation Account a Myth? (By Wayne Jackson - Many other articles covering a wide array of topics)

Frequently Asked Questions

PBS Debate (PBS Debate on Firing Line)

Creation Science Evangelism (Many interesting topics

Chinese Language Supports Creation Account (See how the Biblical account of Creation is written in the Chinese characters !! Fascinating evidence which supports the Bible and Creation)

Creation-Evolution Encyclopedia

Scientific Facts and Evolution

BreakPoint: Arguing With Evolution (10-part radio series with basic arguments against evolution)

Creation SuperLibrary (Origin of Life, Origin of Species, Fossil Record, Origin of Humans, Education System, Dinosaurs, Catastrophe, Astronomy, Age, Bible)

Creation science answers, Bible explanations (Many interesting topics for discussion)

Scientific Creationism/Evolution (Man's ancestors ?, DNA, dating, dinosaurs, debate)

Arguments we think creationists should NOT use (Li

Articles > Top

Rev. Paul A. Hughes, M.Div. (Bible Proofs, Bible Studies, Christian Living, Devotionals, Historical, Holy Spirit, Pentecostalism, Poetry, Society . . .)

Audio, books, and video > Top

Answers In Genesis Ministries (Audio Recordings - Walls of Jericho, Can We Really Trust the Bible?, Dinosaurs and Genesis, more)

Must-See Creation Sites (Many audio and video files - Debates: Gastrich, Krueger, Finley, Barker, Hovind, Pigliucci, Ham, Sarfati, Whitcomb - Creation Sermons by Miles McPhearson - Links)

Refuting Evolution (10 Chapter book by Jonathan Sarfati, Ph.D., F.M.)

Creation versus Evolution (Video seminars from Dr. Don Patton, Dr. Kent Hovind, and Ken Ham - You can download)

Index of /bible/Audio Lessons (Many audio lessons you can download - David Bonner, David Smitherman, Don Patton, Kenneth Chumbley, and others - Wide variety of topics)

Online Books Page (Thousands of books online)

Audio Bible Online (Listen to the King James Bible, read by Alexander Scourby)

Audio Library (Various audio messages from the Middletown Bible Church)

Christian Classics Ethereal Library (Audio Books: Greek martyrs, Pilgrim's Progress, George Fox, John Wesley, and many more)

Christian Texts to Download (Many books you can download - Spurgeon, Augustine, Pilgrim's Progress, C.S. Lewis, and more)

Fox's Book of Martyrs (Edited by William Byron Forbush - Read online)

Guide to Christian Literature on the Internet I (Many online books to choose from, and online Bibles)

MP3 audio files for Pilgrim's Progress (Download the audio files)

Online Bible Software- Archaeology, Creationism, Science (Archaeology, Creationism, Science, Evolution - Books you can download)

The JESUS Film (You can download the Jesus Film)

Sketches of Church History (Total of 61 chapters, inlcudes a timeline from 33 A.D. through 1517 A.D. - Bibles, History, Writings, and more)

Bible Fun > Top

Bible Facts (Interesting Bible Facts, History, and Oddities)

Bible Facts

King James Bible Facts

Bible Trivia Quizzes

Bible Study - Christian Reference Materials > Top

Bible Studies and Sermons OnLine (Home page, by Rich Puckett, with hundreds of links)

Bible History Online Sitemap (Geography, Babylonians, Cleopatra's Children, Ancient Art, Fallen Empires, Ancient Maps, Ancient Israel Cities, Lost Laughs, Bible History Quiz, Images Emperors, Old Testament, Amazing Facts, Ancient Images, Slide Show, Tabernacle, Images of Assyria)

Biblical Greek: Learning New Testament and Septuagint Greek (Online Greek lessons and tools)

Sermon Resources - HIS-Net

Theological Library: Creation (Many articles - creation, evolution, flood, FAQ's, genetics, history, homology, ice age, intelligent design, meteorology, natural selection, genetic variation, radiometric dating, scientific method, age of the universe, evolutionists quotations, gap theory)

Audio Bible Online (Listen to the King James Bible, read by Alexander Scourby)

Christian Classics Ethereal Library (Church fathers, classics, audio books, and much more)

Christian Links (Online Bibles and study helps)

Christian Literature (Bibles, Bible study aids, books by title, collections of books)

Christian Resources (Not Just Bibles)

Flavius Josephus (You can read online, or download the complete collection - Antiquities of the Jews, War of the Jews, The Life of Flavius Josephus, Qutobiography, Josephus's Discourse to the Greeks concerning Hades, translated by William Whiston)

Guide to Christian Literature on the Internet I (Many Bible study aids - also you can read many books and Bibles online)

Internet Christian Library (Christian literature, early church documents, reading room, softwzre, Christian organizations)

New Testament Greek Online (Nine lessons including - Historical Background, Alphabet, grammar, word pronunciation - Includes lessons)

Spring Hill Bible Church (Online Bibles, Bible helps, quizzes and puzzles, exhibits, books, giftstores, magazines, newsletters, Creationism, links)

Wikipedia:Public domain image resources - Wikipedia (Extensive list of links -- Objects, Animal and Plants, Nature/Science, People, Locations, Art, U.S. Postage Stamps, General Collections, Miscellaneous, Uncategorized links)

Christian Faith > Top

Creation Science Evangelism ( - Ministry, Shopping, Science Section, TruthRadio Feed, Videos, Questions, more)

Koinonia House Online

Genesis - All or Nothing - Ken Ham (Ken Ham, audio)

Christian Answers Network (Many Questions, Dinosaurs, Archaeology, Bible, Movie Reviews, Apologetics, Children, more)

Bible (Discovery Bible Studies, Feature Articles, Devotionals, Beliefs, Ancient Old Lamp Collection, Hard Questions, Back Issues, WBAJ Radio, Creation of Fatih Scripture Quilts, by Marvin Hunt)

Audio Library (Various audio messages from the Middletown Bible Church) -- The Fun, Safe Place for Kids (Games, Bible fun, puzzles, wordsearch, tongue twisters)

Evidence For Faith (Jesus is God, The Future, Evidence for Faith, Bible FAQ's, Bible New Service . . . )

Holy Bible - Facts and Information (Many links providing evidence for the Bible - Science and Creation Evidence, Archaeology and History, Fulfilled Prophecies, Apologetics)

Christian Resources > Top

GreatScopes (Microscope, Homeschooling, Creation Science, Rocks and Gems, Stamps and Coins, Breeding, more)

Christian Home Pages > Top

FISHING THE NET (James H. Johnson)

Images > Top

Wikipedia:Public domain image resources - Wikipedia (Objects, Animals and Plants, Nature and Science, People, Locations, Art, U.S. Potage Stamps, General Collections, Miscellaneous, Uncategorized Links)

Photos Index (Pictures of places in the Bible

Kid's Links > Top

The Kids Zone (Captain Cal's Classical Corner, Adventures in Odyssey, Answers With Ken Ham, Children's Bible Hour, Good News for God's Kids, Keys for Kids, Nutty News, We Kids -- Listen to live radio) (Fun questions and jokes)

Middletown bible church (Various items of interest: dispensationalism, prophecy, Bible study, missions, Christian life, doctrine, salvation,

Questions > Top

Where did Cain get his wife? (By Ken Ham, Jonathan Sarfati, and Carl Wieland, Ed. Don Batten)

Reference Library > Top

My Favorite Links (Collection of many links, by Charles Kimball - History, Bible, apologetics, creationism, catastrophism, African, Egyptian, European ancient/classical, Celts, Greek, Etruscan, Roman, Far East, Oceania, Russian, Central Asia, Philippines, world music, civilization)

Bible Study Links and Resources (Very extensive list of links in alphabetical order)

Bible Study Internet Links (Many links - Creation Science, graphics, radio, Christian resources, church history - Loads slow, but lots of links to check out)

Links to Scholarly Biblical Studies by Ferrell Jenkins (Apologetics, Archaeology & the Bible, Bible Study Software & Tools, Online Bibles, Biblical Backgrounds, Criticism, Manuscripts, Translations, Books, Church History, Research, Evangelism, Greek Studies, Judaism, Maps of Bible Lands, Museums, New Testament Background, Old Testament Materials, Periodicals, Photos, Resources,Online, Study Materials, Theology)

Early Church Fathers (Ante-Nicene Fathers, Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers - 38 Volumes to read online or download the files to your computer for archiving)

Christian Sites and Resources (Many links - Alphabetical order)

Bible Resource Page (Bibles, Lexicons, Grammars, Word Studies, Commentaries, Learn Greek, Concordances, Greek Tools, Dictionaries, Encyclopedies, Learn Hebrew, Hebrew Tools, Online Books, Other Resources, Bible Studies, Israel, Bible Quizzing, Sermon Helps, Periodicals, Sermons, Clipart, Music, Bible Games, Sites for Kids . . .)

Christianity Resources (Radio, devotions, Christian writings, online book of Psalms, Foxs Book of Martyrs, Archaeology, Unbound Bible, and more)

Sacred Scripture (Archaeology, Ancient Near East, Biblical Books, Greece, Rome, Egypt, Judaism, Dead Sea Scrolls, Bible Studies, Hebrew Bible, Manuscripts, Languages, Images, Software, Journals, Libraries, Electronic Texts, Scholarly Societies)

Bible History Online (Links to many quotes - Study tools: Ancient Documents, Ancient Egypt, Greece, Israel, Near East, Rome, Bible Hible, Bible Searches, Languages, Jesus, Maps, Geography, Museums, Mythology, Weapons, World History, and more) Internet Sites (Topics include: Apologetics, Archaeology, Cults, Cultural Issues, Education, Geography, Greek, Hebrew, History, Israel, Latin, Missions, Music, Prayer, Prophecy, Radio, Science and Origins, Search Engines, Writing . . .)

Historical, Archaeological, Museum & Other Links (Many topics to explore - Bible, cultures, language, history, people, places)

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Andrews Religion Index page first created November 24, 2003 ~ last updated Sunday, December 21, 2003

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