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Some of the Questions Asked

Updated 2020


·        Mail the membership application (snail mail only) to Dave Barr

Click here for form

      ·          Can Volunteer Firefighters become "Full Members" ? Volunteer firefighters compose the majority of Wind & Fire members; but YES, the club has always been open to volunteers and they are welcomed.

·       Are all members "Life Members" ? YES. (Once you are “in"you're in"...however if you act in a manner that raises a concern to our Officers, the President can take action)

·       Do you have to own and ride a Harley-Davidson® for a "full membership" ? YES

·       An associate member must be sponsored by a "full member".

·       Colors' - Maltese patches, all rockers, all patches worn in the W&F MC colors (blue field w/red & black borders) must be purchased through W&F MC ® Inc. Dave Barr.

·       Can Chapters have individual "Chapter" restrictions that apply only to that "Chapter" ? YES. The National By-Laws are a base line.

·       Do a "Full Member, Associate Member, & Honorary Member" all wear the same W&F MC "Colors’ ".YES  some chapters have their own restrictions.

·       When you move we "DO NOT HUNT FOR YOU". To stay in the Club's database you must advise us of your changes. If your mail comes back to us "we move your name to the inactive section of our data base"

·       NEWSLETTER EDITOR You can contact the Editor at Newsletter by "internet" - The newsletter is available in the "members only" section of this web site and YES you can share it with other members.  Remember the newsletter is for members and should not be posted. 

·       A log-in name and password will be given to you when you join or you can request one from the webmaster.

·       When Ordering use only the current form. If you need an "order form" click here and request an "order form"

·       YES all merchandise orders must be "prepaid" and sent by "snail mail", NO email orders. If you have a problem let us know, we will make it right.

·       YES postage is included in your order (unless outside the USA)

·       You must pay your newsletter subscription to the Newsletter Editor for a snail mail copy of the newsletter.

·       "Your CHAPTER" EMAIL ADDRESS MUST BE CURRENT - Please contact the "Club President" with any changes