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How to Pack Ride by Skipper

 I've been contemplating your question for a few days as the question has come up before, but never have we addressed a formal answer so I'll give you what I believe to an answer.


Yes, for Wind & Fire Club rides there is a specific formation, but for other rides the rules vary.


A Club ride is one sponsored or hosted by the club be it a National or local club event.


The National President should always been invited to ride in the front as he is the leader of our International Motorcycle Club and his better half will ride with him or on her own ride.  Next should be the National Road Captain and his lady.  Then any and all International Board Members and their ladies.  Next should be any National Club Officers such as Merchandise Coordinator, Historian, East & West Liaisons, etc. and their ladies or better halves.  Following them should be the local club officers and then all Wind & Fire members of the hosting chapter and the other chapters WEARING their Club Colors, then all those without club colors, but members and then all others.


Notice in the first sentence I said "invited" as this is a courtesy extend to those that work for you, but it is not carved in stone.  The local coordinator and any honor guest maybe and should be the ones to lead the local event ride. 


Our club is unique in that normally a club does not ride far from home and the club president would lead the club to where ever they are going and back on their run.  But our club has many chapters that host rides and any or all national board members and/or officers may show up (like the Ride To Remember in Colorado - many were there and they rode in the front behind the event leader and a special guest).  As a motorcycle club which has recognized colors throughout the world it is important that we follow protocol whenever possible as we are in the 'eye' of other clubs.  The respect us if we respect ourselves.  We don't want our members hassled by any other club and do 'the right thing' goes a long way to prevent that from happening.


At other club rides which we support, you as their responsible person if there is a place we should ride and then we ride as a group within a group following their lead.


This is all subject to good sense and a desire to work together in the motorcycle community.


The National Board Members and Officers don't have a 'right' to displace any other member, but out of courtesy to their hard work on our behalf and to recognize their contribution it is nice to acknowledge and respect them, but no one will be offended as we are all fire fighters and riding to support whatever cause a particular ride is organized for.


If a ride is an 'open' ride (i.e.: any motorcycle rider can join in) then the organizer/coordinator establishes the riding order if any.


Your club officers try to make as many runs as possible to support any and all chapters to meet and greet the members and so you all can meet them.  JR seems to be all over the place,  Eddy (the European Director) has been across America many times, I've ridden over 250,000 miles on club rides and the founder, Jerry 'Evo Red' Eibert has ridden over 350,000 and I might mention as the founder Jerry should always be the guest of honor and invited to ride right up front (he'll probably decline, but the offer should be tendered and any past presidents, board members and national officers should be extended the same - again they'll probably decline - they started the club so the brotherhood of Fire Fighters who also ride Harleys and support charities could get together have fun and enjoy each other not follow a bunch of rules).





International Road Captain

Wind & Fire MC International