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The Rainwater Society's Discussion Lists

T h e R a i n w a t e r S o c i e t y ' s

Each topic below has a list that you may join if you wish. Discussions on each list are solely related to the topic. Each group will be together for a period of 9 weeks. If you'd rather just join random conversation with the Society's members, please join the general list by clicking here .

If you are interested in becoming a moderator Click Here

GOD Discussions about the male aspect of the divine. How we view Him in our lives and the world around us.

GODDESS Discussions about the female aspect of the divine. How we view Her in our lives and the world around us.

SPELLCRAFT Discussions surrounding the use of Spellcraft in everyday life.

WHEEL OF THE YEAR Discussions about the Pagan Wheel of the Year. Meanings of the celebrations and traditions.