
Rain of white falling—absence of color—images dropping swiftly from lofty 
heights—settling noisily like discarded manhole covers—rattlingrattlingsettle to a 
complete stop—solidify.  Man in brown wool slacks and a white t-shirt sits 
mezmorized in the flat glow of a laptop moniter—hotel room internet 
connection—false name—new papers—thedrill is always the same—executive 
suite—one window—no visitors—taptaptaptap destroy—white-collar 
destruction—wave of the future……he who crashes the most hard drives 

The incessant tinkering-prodding-poking-testing….does karma exist?  Send that 
bomb young man and that banshee will be thrust upon you from the very last 
direction you expect…


did you feel it man?
did you feel it pulling on you?
a sinewy tug from inside somewhere—tentacles attaching to all four poles—all 
nerves in sync.  friday was a nightmare of churning stomach muscles and the 
hollowhollow feeling of hunger where there is none.  my god damned throat 
closed up for chrisssssssssSAKE!  wantwantwant rebellion of biology.  my own 
body working against/for me lashing out with dastardly preventative measures.  
you were there for the big come down.  it hurts.  not like real pain…a 
numb…unreal pain…a general feel of discomfort from head to toe.

but the want didn’t go away.
it didn’t go away.

woke at 2-ish[I think]saturday and was able to keep myself from re-enacting hurly 
burly. actually [i] had nothing to do with it, ‘twas the esophagus and lady Sinus 
that would not cooperate.  Spent the majority of the day weaving in and out of 
conversation and actions trying to conceal my thought process…..

‘when will I be able to do more…’

created a solitary feeling, a separation, a complete separation from what I was 
saying/doing/fucking lost—in inner monologue—looking through eyes that were 
only seeing shapes/forms/obstacles—the world never lending its narcissistic touch 
of reality to my senses.  i watched an intriguing dance of characters[haze of 
disassociation]casting their pebbles into the ring—making their bets—taking their 
bets—collecting their prize—losing their prize.  third-person megalomania is 
fostered, heightened and [AMP]LIFIED…instead of an impulse of my mind, a 
forced powerful severing of the umbilical cord…the mortal coil no longer feeding 
off the electric energy in my brain…no longer a coppertop, no longer a 
participant.  eyes darting back and forth all day.  I know what I want…I want 
what I don’t know.
watched a grayish sunrise.  the universe [my monitor] began blurring at the edges, 
and my eyes were forced peripherally and I sat in silence as the sky moved from 
purple-black to the dryerLINT-grey mornin’.  

630[anti-meridian]beats your ass………….
sunday comes with relief of weekend cement filled nostrils and metallic 
[heavy metal?] 
slow—drip—throat.  taking care of business.  dealing with scenarios.  vaguely 
recalling spending five hours in  pled-Jer/HATE manor waiting for the one-armed 
man[well, he has a limp…]to make me a happy man with a narcotic i know isn’t a 
match for my depravity…the depravity so deep that at 4am i drug my body home 
to despair at the cost of millions of tiny blips on a computer screen.  The one-
armed man is a n0-show.


noon…that cunt didn’t call…go figure…time to move about and do 
thank god and sonny jesus I had something to do today…motivation at a supreme 
low…guttural.  crawling on all 4zzzzzzzzzzzzz.  i can feel it in my booooones.  
another day wandering about wax faces…talkingtalking…kissing cheeks and 
rubbing hands, trite bullshit discussion of who’s fucking who and who wants to 
fuck him and why she wont fuck her until he fucks IT down into the carpet 
gnashing ripping at the soft fleshy shoulder and GRINDING the small of her agile 
back deep deeper into the rough surface…you’ll look like one of those Montel 
Williams burn victim guests when I’m through wit'cha.  no libido.  no [sexual] 
libido—my [violence] libido has rarely known it’s full weight, and it did not this 
weekend, nothing elevated the adrenaline-seratonin-

et cetera…no emotion…but the cement foundation of a driveway barbecue 
certainly allowed me to add to the list—smilesmilesmile…..one day this is the 
face you’ll see over you, teeth clenched, brow furrowed, eyes black and 
unseeing…the gush of crimson bubbling up and into your eyes….your messy 
exit…..and don’t leave out any tasty details.
pulled myself away and to the pled-Jer/HATE manor again.  better fucking have it 
this time…he does.  process complete, loss of two more hours…speedspeedspeed 
home.  hi sis…got the tea…be back in a second…fumbling over my own 
feet…oldBULLlee in black, glasses, and hat…shiny plastic surface, a horrid red 
heart encasing elvis…pop—pour—cut—obsess…oh 
it hurts and cleanses and burns smell of dissolving septum metallic burning and 
soft white explosions in midair…head back eyes closed hands on cock…

i’m home.  

the come down is the numb-dull pain.  i can solve this but it’s the beginning of the 
end of the beginning…………of the end.

tough, fast, solitary weekend.


[post scriptum]
prurient :  1] marked by restless craving. 
                 2] a)having lascivious thoughts or desires [lewd]
                     b)arousing such thoughts or desires.