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Entertainment Asylum

OnlineHost: “EAAlysonH” has entered the room.

OnlineHost:“AOL LIVE” has left the room.

EAMC Host: Good evening Alyson!

EAMC Host: Welcome to the Entertainment Asylum

EAAlysonH: Hi. Thanks. It's good to be here.

EAMC Host: Alyson, here is your first question from DavidKauf

Question: how did you get to be on buffy?

EAAlysonH: I auditioned about nine times and finally they gave me the job. It was just a process of elimination. The audition process was nerve racking. The suspense was killing me!

EAMC Host: Here is a question from OtisCat

Question: Alyson: When Sarah Michelle Gellar was on Saturday Night Live, she held up a sign at the end saying she missed you. This doesn''t mean you've left the show, does it?

EAAlysonH: No, she was in New York for a week and she was going through withdrawal. It was just a joke...a funny thing to do. The whole cast is like a family.

EAMC Host: Here is a question from SKloss761 for Alyson Hannigan of "Buffy"

Question: Do you think Willow will ever break out of her sweet innocent ways?

EAAlysonH: I don't know. Maybe if she is possessed. I think that's pretty much her nature. She's standing up for herself more now.

EAMC Host: Here is a question from Turbo1311 for Alyson Hannigan of "Buffy"

Question: how is it like working with sarah? It's great. It's interesting. Our job is the best job. I love my job more than anything. It's just like a big family. We have on going jokes. Sara and I are always buying each other silly presents.

EAMC Host: Here is a question from QueenRegi for Alyson Hannigan of "Buffy The Vampire Slayer"

Question: Alyson, Hi, my name is Stephanie. For my college Rhetoric class, I am writing a paper about how I feel that willow and I have some of the same traits. It would be really cool if I could have a quote from you on whether or not you are like Willow.

EAAlysonH: Okay. I'm similar to Willow. Sometimes we're really close but sometimes we're really different. We have the same sense of humour. We might be the only two laughing at the same jokes.

EAMC Host: Here is a question from MinakoP for Alyson Hannigan of "Buffy"

Question: Alyson, I think you are such an incredibly actress and on "Buffy" you make Willow have an awesome personality. Would you marry me? =D

EAAlysonH: Thank you. I don't think I'm allowed. My boyfriend would be very upset if I came home and told him that I got married over the internet!

EAMC Host: Here is a question from MelissaS9 for Alyson

Question: Just wanted to say that I think your character is amazing and the direction that Willow is going in is great Basically, I merely wanted to tell you that I think You are fantastic. What do you see for Willow in the future?

EAAlysonH: Hopefully, she will have more of a relationship. I think she will always love Zander. I like the fact that she is being more aggressive. I like the direction that she is going in.

EAMC Host We are chatting live with Alyson Hannigan of "Buffy" here on the Entertainment Asylum For the scariest fun online, check out the PCH Highway at Keyword PCH. Here is a question from SilverCD2 for Alyson Hannigan of "Buffy"

Question: How is it working with Sarah, and DAvid, and the guy that is supose to be your "boyfriend"

EAAlysonH: Everyone is wonderful. We really have the best time. Sometimes when we're all in the same scene, it's hard for us not to giggle. And Sara and I are the worst! We have to start thinking about dead animals to stop laughing! It's so much fun though.

EAMC Host: Here is a question from Marveena for Alyson Hannigan of "Buffy, The Vampire Slayer"

Question: So how how does it fell to be in onw of the top 10 most watched shows in the us ..and in your honest opinion did you EVER think it would be so popular

EAAlysonH: I don't know that were on the top ten most watched show. I had no idea that we would be this popular. We knew it was a great show, but we had no idea that it would hit people the way it did. It feels amazing. This is great time for me.

EAMC Host: Here is a question from Sk8erwenc

Question: How did you get discovered?

EAAlysonH: Both of my parents were photographers. When I was a baby, I would model for them. Then I started doing commercials. Eventually my mom and I moved to California so that I could act. It's always felt right to be in front of the camera. I wanted to be Cindy Brady when I watched the Brady Bunch!

EAMC Host: We are chatting live with Alyson Hannigan here on the Entertainment Asylum. Keyword Asylum. Here is a question from Adamreck for Alyson Hannigan

Question: Alyson.. what's yr. favorite part about making Buffy?

EAAlysonH: I love driving into work and seeing monsters! When you park your car, you see demons hanging out in the parking lot! And the cast and the crew are wonderfull.

EAMC Host: Here is a question from Earthrise for Alyson Hannigan

Question: I think that you are really cool, is there any parts of the show that are really scary?

EAAlysonH: The part where they say we can't make any more shows...that's scary! I try to do as much of my stunts as possible. There really isn't anything scary. Once you see the people behind the set, the monsters are a lot less scary.

EAMC Host: Here is a question from HrsheyKis for Alyson Hannigan of "Buffy"

Question: Are you thinking of doing any movies?

EAAlysonH: I hope so. I did one movie that will be coming out soon called Dead Man on Campus. I play a girl similar to Willow, without the brains! I think of her as a farm girl. She's kind of dumb...basically. ut she's funny I hope! It's a comedy. It doesn't sound like it, but it is lighthearted!

EAMC Host: We are chatting live with Alyson Hannigan of "Buffy" here on the Entertainment Asylum. Here is a question from AngelGrl8

Question: Who would you rather kiss--Oz, Xander or Angel?

EAAlysonH: Oh my goodness. Wow. That's a very difficult question. I think I should be able to kiss all of them and then tell you who is the best! Oz would kiss back, so I think Willow would kiss him.

EAMC Host: Here is a question from HydroxyAp for Alyson Hannigan of "Buffy"

Question: Hello Alyson -- With you and Nick appearing at the Comicon last year...I was surprised that no one from Buffy was at the Fangoria "Weekend of Horrors" in NYC a few weeks ago. Are there any plans for you or other cast members to appear at SciFi/Horror cons?

EAAlysonH: Probably. Had we heard about it or been invited, I'm sure we would have went. We've been to about three conventions and they're usually a lot of fun.

EAMC Host: Here is a question from Minizeus

Question: do think that buffy and angel are done or will they get back together

EAAlysonH: I don't know. Angel is evil now, and that's sort of sad. lay this character so evil.

EAMC Host: Here is a question from OzSugar for Alyson Hannigan

Question: if you weren't an actress what career would you choose and why?

EAAlysonH: When I went to college I was leaning towards psychology. I also love animals so any work like that would be good. But my real ambition was always acting, so I was never too committed to these other ideas.

EAMC Host: We are chatting live with Alyson Hannigan of "Buffy" on the Entertainment Asylum. For the most excitement online, check out the Entertainment Asylum at Keyword Asylum. Keep sending in questions for Alyson. The next one may be yours! Here is a question from Raininfir for Alyson

Question: Hi Alyson! I think Willow is the coolest. It is great the way she has taken action and has really spoken up for herself more this season. Will we continue to see her break out of her shell even further as the season continues?

EAAlysonH: You were supposed to see a lot more in this past episode, but some of it was cut. I'm very hurt about that...but she does speak up more now.

EAMC Host: Here is our next question for Alyson Hannigan from LMS144587

Question: where do you guys get your awsome clothes?

EAAlysonH: On the show, we have great costume people that shop at amazing places. They find the coolest clothes. When they shop for me, they always buy fuzzy clothes. I have the best clothes on the show. lthough I'm sure everyone's looking at Buffy's short skirts. But I'm the fuzzy, hugable one!

EAMC Host: Here is a question from Athena198 for Alyson Hannigan of "Buffy"

Question: What's it liketo play the smart girl opposite the vampire slaying Buffy?

EAAlysonH: I love Willow. If I could choose which character I would play, I would choose Willow. I think people can really relate to her. I love that. Buffy is who you want to be, but Willow is who most people are. It's nice being so real. And the relationship with Oz is so fun. I really prefer being real. I can relate to Willow. I don't think I could play Buffy. Sara is wonderful and I wouldn't want to compete with that. I wouldn't want to wear her outfits though.

EAMC Host: Here is a question from SirJMW for Alyson Hannigan of "Buffy, The Vampire Slayer"

Question: I would like to know a little bit more about the actress, script writer relationship. How much can you ad lib on the show?

EAAlysonH: Our ad-libbing is mostly asked ahead of time. Joss is really open to suggestions. Joss is amazing about that. But if it doesn't work, we have to take the credit for it!

EAMC Host: For the scariest fun online, check out the PCH Highway in the Entertainment Asylum at Kewyord PCH. Keep sending your questions for Alyson!! The next one might be yours! :) Here is a question from Adida2093 for Alyson Hannigan of "Buffy"

Question: Hi how are you what are your favorite hobbies?

EAAlysonH: I like sports. I like playing with my dogs. And that's about the only thing that I have the time to do! I don't really have hobbies until after the show is done. I love playing soccer and anything outdoors.

EAMC Host: Here is a question from Angel Tim for Alyson Hannigan

Question: Hi Aly! is it true you and Sarah often exchange Gag gifts? what was your favorite?

EAAlysonH: Just before Christmas, she gave me this singing Christmas tree. And I'm convinced that it's Harry Connick's voice on it! It's really loud and it's scared me a few times! She put it in my trailer and it scared me to death!

EAMC Host: Here is a question from Daisy0051 for Alyson Hannigan
Question: Is Nicolas Brendon as cute in real life as he is on screen? How is he to work with?

EAAlysonH: Yes, Nicki is very cute. And he's probably cuter off-screen. He's got such a sense of style and great sense of humour. If anyone can get milk to come through my nose, it would be him!

EAMC Host: Here is a question from Higgy6517 for Alyson Hannigan

Question: I have heard about a "pantsing" incident... please elaborate.

EAAlysonH: I'm never going to live that down. During the first season, we were doing a scene in the gym. Nicki was wearing sweatpants. It was Sara's idea! I accidently took his boxers down at the same time. Sara chickened out, and I did it by myself. I felt really bad, and I'll never live it down!

EAMC Host: Here is a question from FoxStarr for Alyson Hannigan of "Buffy"

Question: If there was a Buffy movie would you be in it??? I love your character!!!

EAAlysonH: Thank you! I would hope so. If not, I would be sad.

Question: How many answering machine messages did you get after you posted your phone number?

EAAlysonH: The phone calls were consistent for a while. The response was overwhelming. It was very cool to hear the voices behind the names. I talked to a lot of fans. But I didn't get much accomplished that day!

EAMC Host: Here is a question from Jadeskie3

Question: I would like to know if at all possible maybe just a clue what will happen with you and Angel since he did go on the other side with Spike?

EAAlysonH: I don't know. We don't have Angel on our side anymore so we just have to figure out what to do. We're actually not that far ahead of what you've seen. So I can't really give you a clue.

EAMC Host: Here is a question from Zandarah for Alyson Hannigan of "Buffy, the Vampire Slayer"

Question: If you could write a storyline for Willow what would it be?

EAAlysonH: I don't know. I guess more stuff with Oz. I love working with Seth. And I like exploring that boyfriend aspect. More kissing

EAMC Host: Here is a question from LordJulius for Alyson Hannigan of "BUffy"

Question: Alyson: I understand you're a real admirer of Joss Whedon's work. Have you ever asked him for a chance to write a Buffy episode with him? Or some other project?

EAAlysonH: Oh no no no no no...I am so not a writer. That would just be bad. He's also extremely busy. He's way out of my league. I could never to do that. He's a genius. I can't express myself through writing!

EAMC Host: Here is a question from TAFKABH for Alyson Hannigan of "Buffy"

Question: Hi Alyson from the Hanniganites on the WB Message Board! We Love you! Do you ever visit there? TAFKABH (John) Proud Charter Member of The Hanniganites

EAAlysonH: I go to the Buffy Web site a lot. I am on AOL but I usually sign on at work. But when I'm at work, I also have so much else to do that I haven't been on that much.

EAMC Host: Here is a question from JAC 1986

Question: Hi, my name is Tom, will you be my Valentine?

EAAlysonH: I don't think I can. I'm sorry. My boyfriend would be upset. It depends what being a Valentine means.

EAMC Host: Here is a question from greengirl

Question: Alyson, if you could be a character in any TV show or movie, who would it be and why?

EAAlysonH: I would want to be someone in Toy Story, because I want to be a cartoon. I just think I would be a good cartoon. I would want to be one of those alien guys that gets fed to the dog.

EAMC Host: Here is one from Moriah556

Question: What do you think of all the online clubs devoted to Willow?

EAAlysonH: I think that's wonderful! I try to visit but I see way to many pictures of myself. I think they know more information on me than I do!
EAMC Host: Alyson, well all of your online fans are glad you joined us on AOL tonight!! Thank you for chatting with us on the Entertainment Asylum tonight

EAAlysonH: Thanks so much for having me. I had a great time!

EAMC Host: Buffy fans, join us in the Entertainment Asylum message boards for more Buffy chat at Keyword Asylum

OnlineHost: “EAAlysonH” has left the room.
