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NAME: Amber

AGE: Old enough that I have a two number digit.

WHERE ARE YOU FROM?: Sunny, Southern California!

BIRTHDAY: Pearl/Alexandrite

JOB/WHAT YOU WANT TO DO SOMEDAY: Teach Deaf Kids in Elem. School

HOBBIES: Sleeping, school, work, interpreting, American Sign Language, TV, collecting off the wall sayings and quotes, reading, stamping (cards, stationary, etc.)

FAVORITE TV SHOWS: BtVS (of course!), Young Hercules (Hello, Nurse!), Animaniacs, Martial Law, Early Edition, The Pretender, TGIF (good clean humor), Rescue 77, Charmed, Dawson's Creek (only to get depressed), Dharma and Greg, and many more!

FAVORITE MOVIES: Anything with Mel Gibson!!, Undercover Blues, The Princess Bride, Anastasia, The Cutting Edge, Lethal Weapon 1 - 2 - 3 - 4, Ever After, Rugrats, The Court Jester, White Christmas, Two Weeks with Love, 7 Brides for 7 Brothers, Okalhoma - OK!, and so on.

FAVORITE ACTORS/ACTRESSES: Mel Gibson, Harrison Ford, Val Kilmer, Kurt Russell, Carey Elwes, Chris Conrad, Dean O'Gorman, Ryan Gosling, Nicholas Brendan, Adam Sandler, Yakko, Wakko, Dennis Quaid, Tom Hanks, Jonathon Taylor Thomas, Devon Sawa/Kathleen Turner, Meg Ryan, Drew Barrymore, Rosie O'Donnell, Katie Holmes, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Neve Campbell, Linda Bove and about a million others!!

FAVORITE SONGS: All Animaniacs songs!, Lemon Tree, Whatever You Imagine, Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile, Mama Goes Where Papa Goes . . . , Occasional Man, Camp Grenada, just about anything!

FAVORITE BANDS/ARTISTS: Celine Dion, Andrea Boccelli, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Ella Fitzgerald, Benny Goodman, Shania Twain, Bobby Darin, and many more!

PERSONAL QUOTES: Two maybes don't make a probably.; When what's left of you gets around to what's left to be gotten, what's left to be gotten won't be worth getting whatever it is you've got left.; When I figure out what that means I'll come up with a crushing reply.; I don't make things complicated, they get that way all by themselves. --- I've got over 200 pages of 'em!

WHY YOU LIKE WILLOW/ALYSON HANNIGAN: She's adorable! In both real life and in character.

ANYTHING YOU'D LIKE TO ADD: Hanniganites Rock!
