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Jump, March, 1999

You Goal, Girl
by Maria Neuman

Just because you're used to seeing her as Buffy's sidekick, that doesn't mean Alyson Hannigan can't kick it with the best of them. Offscreen she's an awesome athlete who'd rather run the soccer field than cruise the mall.

If you're ever thought your life was less than lovely because you're not part of the popular crowd or because you prefer megabytes to makeup, just look to Alyson Hannigan for inspiration. She's been making a living out of playing the eccentric nerd, Willow, on Buffy the Vampire Slayer for the past three years and loving it. "I'd much rather play all the quirky, less popular characters because I'm kind of quirky myself," says the 25-year-old actress, In fact, Alyson is so in touch with her inner geek that when she auditioned for her new flick, East Great Falls High, she was offered the part of "a cool, normal girl" but instead opted to play the resident marching band nerd. "The movie is about four guys trying to lose their virginity before prom night ends, and my character winds up at the dance as one of their dates." So, did Alyson take inspiration from her own high school experience to get in the mood? "Well, I did to go my prom, but I didn't have a very good time," she says. "In fact, back then I wasn't very happy or popular, and I felt like I never fit in. I was glad when the whole thing was over."

One place Alyson has definitely found a home away from home is the Buffy set. "After all these years together, we've become like family," says the girl who got bitten by the acting bug watching Shirley Temple movies. "I can't even pick a favorite co-star anymore because that would be like choosing a favorite brother or sister, which is impossible." Well, the thought of being related to Seth Green makes us go a little weak in the knees, and spending days getting manicures and facials with Sarah Michelle Gellar sounds much cooler than the average sisterly squabble. "I've known Seth since I was 13, ad he is a gigantic flirt, but not with me. And Sarah is awesome. Sometimes we sneak off and have girlie days," says the self-professed tomboy. "But, I don't like makeup very much, because I'm not really good at applying it."

You gotta love a girl who doesn't hang her self-esteem on whether or not her lip gloss matches her sweater. Nope. Alyson would much rather take pride in the fact that she has more of a just-do-it attitude than any Nike commercial. Not only has she been playing soccer since she was 3, she regularly kicks it in a karate class and signs up for ballet during any breaks in her schedule. "I'm a natural athlete, and I like being part of a team because it teaches me discipline. Plus, it's great for learning how to solve problems. I love soccer, especially running with the ball and trying to figure out how to get past an opposing player," she says. "And where does ballet fit into her jock mentality? "I'm not vert good at it. I keep signing up for it because I'm a complete spaz and someday I'd love to learn how to be graceful," she laughs. Not that she has to worry about showing off her fancy footwork at any more high school dances- this onetime wallflower is proof that anyone can bloom.

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