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Twist Magazine, April 1999

From the April issue of "Twist" magazine:
Buffy's Killer Couple

As you might imagine, a conversation with Willow and Oz could get pretty hairy. Alyson Hannigan and Seth Green play a couple on TV, but in real life, they're great friends too. To see how well they get along, we let them interview each other. Look Out! They go way back...

Seth: So, I've known you for a long time.

Alyson: You were 14 and I was 13...I remember the first time I saw you.

My mom and I were driving into the 20th Century Fox studio, and you were passing by and I went, "That's the kid from Amazing Stories!" [It's a series from the '80's that Seth guest-starred on.] Say, who's your favorite Spice Girl?

Seth: I think this is common knowledge--Ginger Spice, definitively. But she's not a Spice Girl anymore...So tell me about your new movie, American Pie[opening May 28]. I read the script. It was really funny.

Alyson: My character's definitely different, I had a lot of fun with her. She's a super band geek, who's pretty much obsessed with band camp. It's all she talks about. What's up with your new movie, Idle Hands?[It opens April 23.]

Seth: Well, it's nothing like any of the horror movies that are out now. It's more like Beetlejuice, where it's kind of scary because everyone's taking everything so seriously and the subject matter's so out of the ordinary--but it's very funny. Funny and scary.

Alyson: I can't wait to see it.[She notices ponies on the street below.] Why didn't we get a pony ride?

Seth: We'd break those ponies. They'd be like, "I'm used to carrying 30-pound kids, do you mind?"

Alyson: How much do you weigh?

Seth: Like 115, maybe.

Alyson: That's the size of two kids.

Seth: [laughing.] The size of an average third-grader. That's the funniest thing, when our fans--who are like 12 to 18--come up to me. The bulk of the kids I meet are, like, 10 times taller than me. They're like "How are you doing? I'm in third grade."

TWIST: Do you guys have any other interaction with the fans? Isn't there a huge internet following?

Alyson: I'll log on to the posting board every now and then.

Seth: Yeah. Me too. There's access to the [Buffy] posting board on the set, so when I have, like, four hours downtime, I'll go upstairs and sign on and be like, "What's up kids? I'm bored." Thank god I had that typing class in ninth grade!

TWIST: What are some of the most common questions you get?

Alyson: [Immediately] "Where's Buffy?"

Seth: "Will you get Sarah Michelle to go out with me?"

Alyson: This little kid--he was 9--asked, "Can you hook me up with Sarah?" Seth: That's at least cute. I get the 20-year-old guys who are like, "Yo dude. Can you get Buffy's ass over to my house?" I'm just like, "First of all, you're disgusting. Second of all, no."

TWIST: Who's your favorite WB star?

Seth: Michelle Williams, and Selma Blair [Zoe, Duncan, Jack, and Jane] is my runner-up. She's awesome.

TWIST: Seth, is it true that Breckin Meyer[from 54] is your best friend?

Alyson: He has two best friends and they're both superstars, 'cause he's a star whore. [Laughs] The other one's Ryan Phillipe.

Seth: It just so happens that these two guys and I met and then we all started working a bunch. We're all so dedicated, we inspire each other.

TWIST: How'd you meet them?

Seth: Breckin and I kept running into each other at auditions. Then he met Ryan at an audition for Man of the House and brought him to my house asking if we could keep him.

Now you're getting personal:

Alyson: How did you feel seeing Ryan and Breckin in their shorts in 54?

Seth: [deadpan]The best thing was that I got to see some of the cut footage where they had a big makeout scene--let's just say I have that tape in my private collection. [laughs]

Alyson: This has got to be the oddest interview..Which is your favorite toe?

Seth: The second from my big toe. You know what I mean? My pointer toe.

Alyson: You said the second from the big and there are five. You do have five toes, don't you? Oh my god. He doesn't have five toes![For the record, he does.]

Seth: What's your favorite record?

Alyson: The new Ben Lee CD. What about if you could have lunch with one person, dead or alive, who would it be?

Seth: Somebody who could make a good lunch, I guess.

Alyson: You're deep. I need a shovel.

Okay, whatever:

Seth: What did you bring to show-and-tell?

Alyson: I brought my mom after she got hit by a car once.

Seth: Did you really?

Alyson: Yeah, I swear. She got run over by a car. Well, she got hit and flew over the car and broke her leg and had a lot of bruises and stuff. I was like, "This is my mom. She got hit by a car."

Seth: I was like, "This is a quarter that I got from the tooth fairy." And then everyone said, "There's no tooth fairy." and I was like, "You're all liars. Stop lying." That was in 10th grade.

A little TOO much information:

TWIST: Ever see another Buffy cast member naked?

Alyson: I saw David Boreanaz naked, but I think everyone's seen David naked. [When his character returned from Hell, he was nude.]... I've seen Sarah naked. When we're changing, the girls see the girls naked--but not like naked naked. You're just changing.

Seth: I saw Nick[Brendon] and David in their underwear. Well, Nick doesn't wear underwear, so I saw Nick's ass. Alyson: I haven't seen you. I've seen you shirtless. I've seen you in your underwear. [Pauses.] Wait, you got your teeth fixed. You had really crappy teeth and they were all crooked.

Seth: Oh, I know. My teeth were all screwed up. I've been in orthodontics for the last, like, 20 years...I still wear things at night.

Alyson: Isn't that sad that I just now noticed? Hey, what would you be if you weren't an actor?

Seth: I'd probably work a lot harder at learning to play guitar, and then I'd work in a bookstore and have aspirations of being a rock star.

TWIST: Shouldn't Willow be a werewolf by now? How does one become a werewolf, anyway?

Alyson: A scratch.

Seth: Nah. You gotta get bit.

TWIST: How is it that you don't accidentally get scratched or bitten in those passionate scenes?

Alyson: We set a no-biting rule.

TWIST: Any final thoughts?

Seth: I love you, Alyson Hannigan.

Alyson: I love you, Seth Green.

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