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Knave2: Would you like to play a vampire on Buffy?

Hannigan: No. Cause that would mean I was dead.

Dapopa: do you have your own web page?

Hannigan: No I don't. But, when I get my new computer, perhaps I'll look into it!

Buffy912: Do you have a fan club?

Hannigan: No I don't.

Trident19: What's your favourite car?

Hannigan: Wow, I think Land Rover Defenders, big army type truck things that look like a Hot Wheel.

Heina4114: do you get a lot of support from people, like your family or freinds?

Hannigan: Sure. I guess. No one's fighting me or anything! So, yeah!

Sparklez33: What's it like working with Seth Green? -Sparklez

Hannigan: Seth is incredible. He makes everything so fun. LOL. He's an incredible guy, so funny. I probably spend the most time with Seth out of everybody.

A_Kangar00: I've heard that there are BtVS action figures coming out. Is this true, and if so, have you seen yours??

Hannigan: I heard that it might be a possibility. I haven't seen anything. But I hope they come out. My dog will eat them!

Amaniwas: Do you like the origanal movie. Buffy the vampire slayer

Hannigan: Never saw it.

Buffy_the_Vampire_Slaya: In between takes do you guys fool around alot?

Hannigan: Yeah.

Cmanceau: Will you ever get to use your kickboxing skills on the show?

Hannigan: I hope so.

SLaYeR2216: What kinda dog do you have?

Hannigan: I have a Jack Russell terrier and a lab mix sort of mutt dog.

Macho_Madness_316 asks: How did you get the part of Willow?

Hannigan: I auditioned a bunch of time and eventually they gave me the part.

PicoDelSol: I heard that there is a soundtrack coming out soon. Do you know if this is true?

Hannigan: No I don't know!

ANGELxander: Are you into any outdoor activities? Hannigan: Yes. I love all outdoor sports. Riding bikes, horseback riding. All that stuff.

Cmanceau: If you could clobber a character on the show, who would it be?

Hannigan: Wow! I don't know. Giles! Just because Tony "accidentally" hits me all the time! So it would just be revenge.

ZENOS_: What are your favorite animals?

Hannigan: Dolphins.

ALLYBOOBOO: Alyson read any good books lately?

Hannigan: Let's see. Perfume by Patrick Suskind. That was very good.

Happygirl_com: How long does it take to put all of the makeup on one of the vampires?

Hannigan: About an hour and a half.

ZiP_083: Are you good at kickboxing?

Hannigan: Sort of. Not great. I'm taking tae kwan do now. I sort of said goodbye to the kickboxing and went back to karate.

Amaniwas: How are your hours?

Hannigan: Long. Usually we have 14 hour days.

TIMBO_: Where is Buffy filmed?

Hannigan: In Santa Monica, CA.


Hannigan: Sure.

WinterRain: If you didn't become an actress, what would you have become?

Hannigan: Whew. Maybe a psychologist.

Angelica007_98: Does most of the filming take place at night?
Hannigan: No, no. We shoot mostly days with the occasional Friday night.

GuMbY_SpAz: If you could write one eppisode of Buffy, what would it be like?

Hannigan: Oh, I wouldn't even attempt it. There's no way I could be even half as good as the writers we have.

Ally_303: What is your favorite fast food?

Hannigan: That's a tricky one! I love the McDonald's Happy Meals. But I also really, really enjoy Wendy's Frostys. But maybe my favorite would be Chick Fillet which they have in Atlanta. And then have one in Torrence. So I get to have it when we shoot at the school in Torrence, California.

Angelica007_98: Do you film in a real school? And is there a town that is really called Sunnydale?

Hannigan: No, Sunnydale is fictional but there is a Sunnyvale. And we shoot at Torrence high school.

CrzyFish: Do you ever ad lib your lines?

Hannigan: Not usually. Only when we mess up.

Jennybabe3: is your favorite movie?

Hannigan: Toy Story.

Alex_488: What's your idea of a relaxing night at home?

Hannigan: Just renting some movies, and maybe barbecuing, and sitting here with my friends and watching movies. Then maybe falling asleep with a good book.

Sarahluver: Who is your favorite cartoon character?

Hannigan: Maybe Curious George. Or Tigger. I love Tigger. I act a lot like Tigger sometimes.

ZENOS_: How was the character of Willow presented to you?

Hannigan: She was described as someone whose mother still picked out her clothes for her. That is extremely shy. And very computer literate.

JohnNDana: Did you know any of the cast members perfore you started on the show?

Hannigan: Just Seth.

Rogue013: Do you have any collections ?

Hannigan: Beanie Babies. And I have a collection of Toy Story toys.


Hannigan: I've been told that one of the blooper shows has some of our bloopers. But the problem with our bloopers is that they tend to be on the potty-mouth side!

Red_farmer: What's your idea of a perfect date?

Hannigan: Hmmm. Probably a home cooked meal. And good conversation. And a good massage. That's a perfect date!

CrzyFish: I love the Halloween Special when Willow got dolled up. How you usually dress?

Hannigan: Well, I dress similar to Willow but not as bright. I just wear comfortable clothing. But if I'm going out to a club or something, I'll wear the more Hollywood style Willow. In fact, those were my boots that I was wearing.

Bird10009: How long do you think Buffy will be on the air?

Hannigan: I hope there are a few more years.

Sexy_mez: Do you like series or do you want to start a movie career

Hannigan: I'd ideally want to do both.

CyberBear_1: Alyson . how old are you and how old is the character Willow?

Hannigan: I just turned 24. And Willow I would imagine is 17 also, because Buffy just turned 17.

JohnNDana: Are there any plans to go back to the big screen, like The X-Files is doing?

Hannigan: I don't know. Perhaps if The X-Files movie is a huge success, then they'll make a Buffy movie.

Maigery: Looking foward to the break from the last of the season finale?

Hannigan: Oh, our break has already started.

Jason_schwab: Will you ever help Buffy slay a vampire?

Hannigan: I've killed two, no maybe just one, vampire before.

Wilywolf: Any ideas where the Buffy gang will go after they graduate high school?

Hannigan: I don't know, that's a question we've asked on the set also. Who knows? Wherever Joss's little mind takes us!

Snasage: do you chat often, and do you like it?

Hannigan: I did when we were working. Because I had access to better computers. But right now, I don't because I don't have access to a fast computer.

CrzyFish: Your character is being developed more that Xander's. Any chance you'll become a Jr. Watcher?

Hannigan: I don't know about the Junior Watcher. I would love to take over as a Watcher one day. But I don't think that's up to us, I think you have to be chosen.

Vapthorne: Will Willow get any fighting action, like Gabriel in Xena?

Hannigan: And as far as the Xena fights, I don't know if we ever get to fight like that.

Red_farmer: How many animals do you have?

Hannigan: I have two dogs, and with my roommate, we have five cats!

TVG_Michael: Thanks for being here Alyson! And thanks for all the great questions everyone!!!

Hannigan: Thanks for chatting! And watch tomorrow night! And thank you!

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