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NAME: David

WHERE ARE YOU FROM?: I Currently live in Alaska, but i was born in illinois

BIRTHDAY: Sept 25. but i don't really reconize it as anything significant

JOB/WHAT YOU WANT TO DO SOMEDAY: i wanna write.... and marry Natalie Portman..... and work in Hollywood in some way

HOBBIES: Track ((but allz i did today was shovel out the highjump pit))

FAVORITE TV SHOWS: Buffy, Law and Order, Profiler, Homicide life on Street, NYPD Blues, Ally McBeal, News Radio, Friends.... and a bunch more

FAVORITE MOVIES: don't really have a fave..... i'll get back to ya in a bit

FAVORITE ACTORS/ACTRESSES: Whoopi Goldberg, Lisa Kudrow, Natalie Portman, and Nat :) Actors... hmm.. Will Smith,

FAVORITE SONGS: iris and a bunch others, but that stcks out in my mind.. oh and Everybodies free (to wear sunscreen)

FAVORITE BANDS/ARTISTS: too many to mention

PERSONAL QUOTES: Deal with it damn it!
