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NAME: david smith


WHERE ARE YOU FROM: leeds,england

AGE: 13

BIRTHDAY: 10/8/85

JOB/WHAT YOU WANT TO DO SOMEDAY: scientist(astrometrics) or an astronaut

HOBBIES: sci-fi

FAVORITE TV SHOWS: buffy and the x-files

FAVORITE MOVIES: fight the future(x-files movie)

FAVORITE ACTORS/ACTRESSES: alyson hannigan (of course)

FAVORITE SONGS: kiss me - sixpense none the richer

FAVORITE BANDS: hepburn and texas

WHY YOU LOVE ALYSON/WILLOW: because she is the most georgous person in the entire world! and she signifies everything that is good about school education and being a sex goddess

ANYTHING YOU WOULD LIKE TO ADD: most people just call me spooky. I know lots of stuff about the paranormal and i'm one of the most educated people on buffy in the u.k. (every comp or quiz about buffy i enter i win because the questions are too easy) i love computers and meeting peopleover them so if some one wants to leave me a mail i'll be happy to reply to it and i'm really glad to be a hanniganite
