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"< i reached the limit i reached the limit. hehe. it can be done. and i have done it. and no it wasn't primative aol as i suspected was the case with scott. i on my brand new computer with my nifty aol 4.0 have reached the limit, and i might add before nick did. (that was the goal after all) so nick... i have answered the question "what will we do when we run out of room?" we goon..and on...and on... you can cut and paste the a bunch next time or we can race to see who will reach the limit first next time. i'm too tired to cut and past a portion, i just did that whole history of the thread post. it wore me out. anyway i am just doing the ones that are still unread." -sarah, on being the one to make the dru thread so long that AOL couldn't display it anymore unless someone trimmed it

(liker of bendy straws and banana lollipops)"

Mike: "well everyone does seem to be buying the story, so stick with it. it looks like a winner"
sarah: "you know i've noticed that blaming in on the drugs come in handy in so many different situations."

"Me? Not thinking? That's like the Cubs not being a strangely fun team (they lose 4, win 10, lose 3, win in extra innings. Now that's fun!). That's like the Bulls not having a Game 6 in the finals (only year they didn't have a Game 6 was in '91 against the Lakers). That's like me not making references to Chicago. I think you get my point." -Nick

"mike, thank you for doing your part. i will not let this thread die due to sarah being sick. this thread will continue until either sarah or i die, and the doctors said that she will live." -Nick

"it becomes an obsession doesn't it?" -sarah, about the dru thread

"she's an odd cat, which makes the dog trying to be like her even more odd. all in all, i don't have a normal pet." -sarah

sarah: "you can't prove i've ever sat in a sink. i dare you to try."
Mike: "can you prove that you have never sat in a sink?"
sarah: "i don't have to, this is america mr. i'm innocent until proven guilty. (i'm sure that applies to sink sitting too)"
Mike: "but soon you'll be in france. i wonder if they have that innocent until proven guilty thing."
sarah: "hmm. mental note, look into france's legal system. but if you are trying to prove i sat in american sinks then it doesn't matter. i think that may be the most absurd thing i've said in a long time."
Mike: "it may be the most absurd thing i've heard in a long time too. it's weird where these endless threads can take you sometimes."
sarah: "actually considering how long i've been doing these posts i seem to be sitting in the exact same place as when i started."

"Since Scott IS evil, and "Oh, no! I'm contributing to htis thread!" sounded like, I dunno.. sometimes I dont even understand what I write...." -Jess

sarah: "oh goodie. i like it when i corrupt people. life is much easier with out capitals."
Mike: "it is easier to do without them, but sometimes i feel guilty for not using them, like i'm committing a capital offense."

Jess: "I've been reading this thread since you started it."
sarah: "wow, thats a lot of useless stuff thats gone from my head to yours."

"i figured you'd think that. i think i prefer the capitalized one (maybe just because it looks odd to me uncapitalized). but lately i find that i don't prefer the capitalized one enough to make it worth the effort of moving my pinky over to hit the shift key. (and if that's not the sorriest thing you've heard lately, i don't know what is)" -Mike, on his sig

"I'm thinking someone didn't read the entire thread before posting. :-)" -Kerrid on someone's logical response to whether or not Drusilla could be part of Jenny's tribe

"it's an all purpose excuse. you're incoherent, you can't hold on to a glass of water, you accidently fed fluffy a plateful of hot cocoa mix instead of tender vittles. it's cause of the drugs." -Mike (somehow this strikes me as REALLY funny taken out of context)

sarah: "there is this thing lately that when i'm here nick is missing, and when nick's here i am missing. which brings up the question has anyone ever seen nick and i in the same room? i mean it could be the whole clark kent superman thing (i would be superman in the scenario because it's my scenario) "
Nick: "i'll be clark kent, you can be superman, and mike will be... um... the other guy. yeah, other guy. like that mike, i mean, other guy?"
sarah: nice way to aviod the lois lane comparison. "
Mike: "let's not go there. please!"
Mike: "am i other guy or is it "the" other guy? cause "the" other guy may be kinda cool, but just other guy, i'm not so sure. an other guy is just another guy, and could be any other guy."
Nick: "you can be "the" other guy. not just any other guy, but the other guy."
sarah: "how about, the one, they only, other guy?"
Mike: "now i'm just the confused guy"

Kerrid: "Point two: Even though I don't post on this thread all the time, I read every one. I refuse to post unless I have something relavent to add. After all, with a post as venerable and important as this one you don't just post any old thing. It has to be a well thought out, valuable, insightful and other wise contribute to the well being of society. Other wise, what would be the point?(insert favorite eye/spleen joke here)"
Nick: "i can't tell a joke. i've used too many recently."
Mike: "any joke? or just an eye/spleen joke?"
Nick: "at the time, it was any joke. i had just recently told the xender/ elvis joke on the hanniganite board. between that and recent spleen injuries, i couldn't tell any joke.
but i can now. it would be a very sharp point. ow! my spleen!"
sarah: "you know for some reason when i saw ow! i read owl. owl my spleen. "

"I don't know how you found out about it, but geez; bite a few people and howl at the moon a few times and you're branded for life.
(okay, so I still howl occasionally. I've stopped biting. Honest.)"

Lori: "Happy to be a contributor to this awesome thread! It will live on! Someday Lynn will tell her grandkids about this never ending thread. "
Shannon: "Wrong...someday Lynn will SHOW her grandkids this never-ending thread!!"
JMS1540: "Wrong again...someday Lynn's grandkids will be POSTING ON this never-ending thread."

"ooh oow si taht ot yas nac i lla" -sarah (this was our very first backwards sentence, which is still going on today)

"i'm gonna continue on like i understood that." -sarah

Natalie: "that might be funny if a) i hadn't noticed that a good percentage of mike's jokes require me to pull out the spoons, 2) we're still talking about the damb pig, and d) i hadn't just seen the blair witch project. (why do you think i'm hyping myself up on caffeine at 3:15 am? i am NOT going to sleep!)"
Mike: "only a good percentage, not all? i'm slipping."
sarah: "you still make me cringe on a regular basis mike, if that helps."

Mike: elvis is dead, and i'm not feeling so well myself"
Natalie: "aw. {{{mike}}} just don't die like elvis"
sarah: "{{{{{{{{mike}}}}}}}}} if you die i'm gonna die too just so i can annoy you for all eternity. so don't die, for your own sake. "

"you know i'm now using a imac as opposed to my thinkpad, and things just aren't where they are supposed to be. its very disorientating. (only spelled right)" -sarah

sarah: "(uh oh, who's gonna end this? again, this could be bad.)"
Nick: "(I'm not gonna end this. When do you think people are just going to get sick of us?)"
Mike: "Yesterday. But keep going anyway. I want to see which one of you is going to give this up first."
sarah: "only yesterday? i would have thought it would have been a lot sooner than that."
-(that was sort of the first time we admitted it was endless)

"no, believe it or not this is just normal us. no sugar added." -sarah

"this thread is a nice substitution for a life. ok its not but its all i have." -sarah

"yes but we don't know how scott looks in tight leather pants, with his ggrrrr face on. maybe he puts angel to shame. (see i'm good at this flattery thing aren't i? )" -sarah

"Scott, your not allowed to beat up on yourself like this. That's what were here for." -it's either Mike or Nick, neither sarah nor I are sure who

sarah: "not funny"
Mike: "c'mon, not even a little funny?"
sarah: "not even little. and before you ask, not even the tiniest bit."

"which only goes to show, whining like a baby can pay off sometimes" -Mike

"i believe i can fly. that doesn't mean if i tried it i wouldn't plummet to my death" -Natalie

(i think i got this all right...)
sarah: "next you'll blame it on the nuns."
Mike: "sh! don't let them know we know!"
sarah: "well you can't tell me they weren't involved."
Mike: "but we have no way to prove it. we're nun the wiser."
sarah: "::grinding teeth::"
Natalie: "::smack:: you deserved that "
Mike: "you're right. we should stop this nunsense."
sarah: "mike i'm begging you to stop."
Mike: "it's a hard habit to break"
Natalie: "::smack:: cut it out!"

Natalie: "man, i need to start coming back here more regularly... "
Mike: "miss a few days, miss a lot"
sarah: "yeah we create more nothing in less time than anyone you'll meet."

sarah: "note to mike: i think we are treading in almost on topic water here"
Mike: "note to sarah: i think we were close with when we brought buffy into it, but the wb's lameness in general apart from buffy is off topic i think"
sarah: "note to mike: still. we need to be careful"
Natalie: "note to mike and sarah: guys... i think you're actually on topic just by mentioning the wb"
Mike: "note to natalie and sarah: wouldn't on topic be drucilla and jenny's tribe?"

"c'mon, you can do it. turn that frown upside down. or sideways in this case :)" -Mike

sarah: "yes i do. there wasn't supposed to be a ? there. guess i kind of screwed that statement up huh?"
Mike: "no question about it"
sarah: "not funny"
Mike: "you're not even giving them a chance now."
sarah: "i gave it a chance. it just wasn't funny"

sarah: "come on mike, you are fully aware that i love you insanely"
Mike: ":) love you madly too"
Natalie: "why are insane and mad not strange words when referring to you guys?"

sarah: "me brain wash you? no no never. ::ladleladleladledowhateversarahsaysladleladle::"
Natalie: "note to sarah: after downing about 13 pixie stix- i wish i was kidding- the other night, my friends became worried when i started chanting ladle as fast as i could for about five minutes straight"
sarah: "note to who ever wrote me that note: when did this get on this post? 'cause i find that really really funny :) who wrote it? damb i hate it when i miss stuff"
Natalie: "note to sarah: it was me. and my friends still laugh at me for that one. i know i said something about my friend tammy sounding like a herd of angry beavers...?"
Mike: "note to sarah: natalie wrote it. of course :)"
sarah: "note to everyone: pretend that note to who every wrote me that note simply says note to nat. thank you, you may all resume your previous activities"
Mike: "::pretending it was a note to natalie, resuming my previous activity::"

"i hit my funny bone, but it wasn't humerus." -Aly (note, Mike got smacked for that one. Sorry, Mike!)

Mike: "natalie seems to be snickering at your mental health"
sarah: "she wouldn't be the first"

Mike: "i gotta be me"
sarah: "i suppose"
Mike: "i gotta be someone, so why not be me."
sarah: "well... ... never mind"
Natalie: "i'd rather be someone much cooler than me, actually. ooh, can i be a tv character? how about movies?"
Mike: "i'm pretty content being me, but if i had to be someone else i think it would be a hockey player." sarah: "where is nat with her shiny objects when i need her?"
Natalie: "i'm here icing my hand so i can smack mike some more "
sarah: "poor nat. maybe you should find something to hit him with other than your hand... er.. violence is bad."
Natalie: "no, it's not. television has warped me"
Mike: "well if you didn't smack me for other people's bad jokes maybe you wouldn't have to ice your hand."
Either Natalie or sarah, I'm not sure: "it was your influence mike"
Mike: "so essentially any bad joke on this thread is my fault?"
sarah: "yup, well maybe yours and nicks to a lesser degree. "
Mike: "how much of a lesser degree?"
sarah: "you know, a lesser degree"
Mike: "oh, a lesser degree."
sarah: "see? glad i could clear that up for you"

Mike: "{{{sarah}}} tomorrow is another day:
sarah: "(((mike))) doesnt mean it won't still hate me tomorrow"

"do you enjoy being smacked?" -sarah

sarah: "note to mike: you know suddenly nat is using all these fancy slang words, and casually mentioning she's hanging out with the fast crowd (those wine cooler guys know how to party) what is going on with her? i feel left out...."
Natalie: "note to sarah: i'm sorry! you can come to the next party the wine cooler guys throw! mike, you have to come, too"
Mike: "note to natalie: sarah can come to the party if she wants, but i'm required to come? how'd that happen?"
sarah: "note to mike: it just did"
sarah: "note to nat: i don't want you to feel like you have to drag me along."
Natalie: "note to whoever said that: you're not dragged along. i want you both there"
sarah: "note to nat: it was me (sarah) are you sure"
sarah: "note to mike: i know, one day they are causual dru posters, the next day they are addicted, and then as soon as you turn around they are partying with the wine cooler guys"
Mike: "note to sarah: notice she hasn't been around of late. out partying and stuff. she never writes, she never calls"
sarah: "note to mike: i'm starting to worry. i mean its not like her. how well do we knows these people shes been hanging around with anyway?"
Mike: "note to sarah: i know what you mean. using words like 'fs list'. we don't know a thing about them or her new friends"

"My mistake. That one was Mike. Although it should have been obvious. Mike has never, to my recollection, ducked. He uses a decoy." -Scott

Natalie: "pete and repeat went into a store. pete came out. who was left?"
Lori: "oh no, i ain't falling for that one."

Natalie: "okay then. aly, i'm warning you... don't make me smack you like i do mike"
Mike: "i think aly was prepared for it. hence the ducking."
Natalie: "ducking won't help once a person deserves to be smacked"
Natalie: "funny how she thought to duck already and yet you with all your being smacked expirience hadn't."
Mike: "i just never expect it. call me an optimist :)"
Scott: "You're an eye doctor?"
Mike: "aye, i am an eye doctor"
Natalie: "mike, the optimist optometrist pirate. following the nick and natalie show (retitled) on the wb's must see tv thursday."
Mike: "i started down the road to being an optometrist, but the road ended up being a blind alley"
Natalie: "::smack:: don't blame that one on aly, i know it was you, mike!"
Lori: "you should have seen that coming"

"i think plaid would be a cool color for a computer screen to be" -Mike

"if heretofore is a word, shoulnd't foretohere be a word too?" -Mike

Natalie: "it'd be the kerri strug thing all over again"
Mike: "for some reason picturing kerri strug after being attacked by something with pieces of her all over. i must not have read that right. or i've been watching buffy too much."
Natalie: "or you're just a very twisted person?"
Mike: "do i get a vote?"

"i'm now picturing the ninja turtles going scuba diving." -Natalie

"what an odd thing to hear all the time. but i guess it's better than the voices telling you to take an axe to your neighbor. unless your neighbor needs an axe" -Mike

Mike: "who knows the truth?"
Natalie: "the teenage fbi (someone tell me why)"
Mike: "it took me a couple of minutes to realize fbi was an abbreviation and not an actual word i didn't know what it meant"
Natalie: "maybe i meant to say fib and i made one of my famous typos"
Mike: "is a teenage fib one that hasn't fully grown up yet?"

"insanity is only in the mind"
"which explains a lot..." -No IDEA who said this

Natalie: "silly aly, trix are for kids!"
Aly: "or adults who want a really good sugar high"

"i didn't realize there was anyone who wanted to be in oregon. it's like wanting to be in siberia, but without the culture." -No idea
