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a.. Nickname: Wolvie (I added it, because most people don’t know my real name)

b.. E-Mail address:

a.. Real-life name: Erwin

b.. Age: 21

c.. Birthday: 17th of November

d.. Location: Sint-Martens-Bodegem (near Brussels), BELGIUM

a.. Marital status: Single

a.. Occupation: Last year’s student in Engineering. Soon to be ‘Industrial Engineer’ (Electro-mechanics)

a.. I Love: - Aly, of course!
- American Comics
- Japanese Anime
- BtVS
- Natural redheaded girls (don’t ask me why?)
- Visiting the ‘Bronze Boarding Room’ en surfing the Net in general

a.. Other stuff I like: - Girls
- My Playstation
- My little computer (w/o it, I wouldn’t be here)
- Japanese Manga
- House music (w/ a preference for the 'Hardcore' genre)
- Good TV series such as: Millennium, The New Outer Limits, Space: Above & Beyond…
- Kempo (practised it for some time)

a.. I dislike: Nothing in particular! As long as you don’t offend me, I’m a pretty tolerant guy. And I think everybody has the right to have his own opinion, even if I might not agree with it.
If you really want me to point some things out I’m not so fond of:
- People who dislike Alyson. (Then again, it’s there choice)
- And I’ve to admit I really hate people who criticize comic books, without ever have read a single one. (And there are more of those than you would think!)

a.. Favourite actors/actresses: - Sean Connery, Louis de Funès, John Candy, Julian Sands & Nick Nolte.
- Alyson Hannigan (You may have heard of her), Michelle Pfeiffer & Jamie Lee Curtis.

a.. Favourite Movies: - the ‘StarWars Trilogy’
- Conan the Barbarian (that’s the 1st one)
- Ghost in the Shell (anime)
- Akira (anime)
- The Wings of Honneamise (anime)
- Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie (anime)
- Projest A-Ko (anime)
- Rising Sun
- The Hunt for the Red October
- All ‘Louis de Funès’ movies
- The Last Emperor
- Aliens (that’s the 2nd one)
- Blade

a.. Why do I love Aly?: Actually, that’s not an easy question. It’s difficult to answer this without getting too personal. But, I’ll give it try. First of all, It’s Aly I love and not Willow (Willow is a fictional character, remember). However, the problem is, which aspect belongs to Aly & which one to Willow?What do I love about Aly? She’s pretty, that’s obvious! And while she may not be the most beautiful girl/woman I’ve ever seen, she has something special. A certain aura that surrounds her. *g* It’s not easy to put into words. To keep it simple, let’s just say she’s SOOOO… cute! (and with the reddish hair (even if it’s not natural), how could I resist?) But what I really love about her, is her kindness, her honesty. From what I read/heard, she cares about her fans. She goes to conventions, answers letters/postings… And that’s cool. (Now, if only she could come to Europe ‘sigh’). Another aspect I like is that innocent look, but I think that’s more Willow’s. A girl who practises ‘Kickboxing’! She could easily kick my b*** (well, maybe not that easy, but actually I wouldn’t mind) And there’s so much more I could tell. But, in that case you would have to create a whole web page for little old Wolvie. So, to end, let’s just say I fell in love the 1st moment I saw her (on TV, I mean). And why does someone fall in love w/ another person? If only I knew.

a.. I’m also: - A Proud Member of ORCA (Organized Readers of Comics Associated)
- A ‘Marvel Zone’ Member
- A Proud Member of ‘The Order of Hannigan’
- WPWP Member # 1198
- Proud Honorary Member of ‘Buffy, Eh?’ # 94
