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NAME: Graeme Duncan


AGE: 22

FROM: Edinburgh, Scotland

BIRTHDAY: 15 - 04 - 77

JOB/WHAT YOU WANT TO DO SOMEDAY: Self-employed (I.T. stuff, very boring)

HOBBIES: Music (Mainly Celtic and Rock), Films, Drinking, Watching Sport (Rugby and Football), Cooking

FAVORITE TV SHOWS: Buffy, Bab5, Historical stuff

FAVORITE MOVIES: Star Wars "quartet?", Local Hero, The Crow, Until the End of the World

FAVORITE ACTORS/ACTRESSES: Sean Connery, Alyson Hannigan, Mia Kirshner

FAVORITE SONGS: I Want You (the Silencers), The Prophet (Wolfstone), Skye (Runrig), Screamager (Therapy), Only Happy When It Rains (Garbage), 13 Valleys (Big Country)

FAVORITE BANDS/ARTISTS: Runrig, the Silencers, Therapy, Garbage, Big Country.

PERSONAL QUOTES: Who of us can live a single day past our own time and our own limits

WHY YOU LIKE WILLOW/ALYSON HANNIGAN: Other than the fact that she is a Babe? Her apparent (possibly only because I don't know her) innocence and truely clear soul, as well as the fact that she appears to be a true romantic.

ANYTHING YOU'D LIKE TO ADD: Don't get too strung-up by the absurdities and cruelties of life, because if you really do look for the cloud on the horizon, you will miss the little piece of clear sky that was meant for you.
