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NICKname?: (if you don't have one, it's no biggie) The Almighty Enviable One

Birthday: 09/04/67

Special Interests: Driving my Saleen, hanging out at my local coffee house enjoying a good cup of coffee and watching the world go by. Other stuff but this is a family ;-)

Favorite color: Blue

Joined the Hanniganites when?: around october 97?

You're a Hanniganite b/c... It's **THE** thing to do when you love Aly as much as *I* do! :-))

Favorite Aly/Willow quote: *WAY* too many to list. Her facial expressions are great as well. Like when Xander was tickling her nose with a feather in Lovers Walk and she was enjoying it then all of a sudden didn't.

Keeperships? Willow's (Sack lunch, Recruitment into the "Slayerettes", Plaid skirt & striped shirt Ensemble, Brown cardigan sweater, Sex conscience smarts, REALLY sexy, leather, vamp outfit), Buffy's Black high heel shoes, Jenny's Credit Card and Headstone *RIP*

Anything else you want to share:
Aly is the BEST!!! :-))
