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NAME: Jewel R.


AGE: 13

FROM: Originally NC but now in Southern CA

BIRTHDAY: 7-23 (I share it with Charisma)

JOB/WHAT YOU WANT TO DO SOMEDAY: Actress, Journalist or Novelist

HOBBIES: Soccer, acting, spending time with friends and family, just all around hanging out. :)

FAVORITE TV SHOWS: BTVS (duh), Angel (duh), Popular, Wasteland

FAVORITE MOVIES: The Sweet Hereafter

FAVORITE ACTORS/ACTRESSES: Drew Barrymore and Ryan Phillipe

FAVORITE SONGS: "Good Enough" by Sarah McLaughlan, "Bitter Sweet Symphony" by The Verve

FAVORITE BANDS/ARTISTS: Sarah M. all the way!! And also Dave Matthews Band, No Doubt (still love them), and Save Ferris

PERSONAL QUOTES: "I'm having a rebellion." I love that! WHY YOU LIKE WILLOW/ALYSON HANNIGAN: Alyson H. is such an awsome actress-very talented. And Willow, how could anyone not like Willow??

ANYTHING YOU'D LIKE TO ADD: Parents, always be patient with your kids. They WILL notice.
"I'm having a rebellion."
Hanniganite :)
