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NAME: Joshua Cornett


AGE: 16

FROM: North Vernon, IN

BIRTHDAY: 8/31/82

JOB/WHAT YOU WANT TO DO SOMEDAY: Lawyer/Politician/radio or tv

HOBBIES:all athletics and weight lifting

FAVORITE TV SHOWS: Buffy, The Man Show, and SNL

FAVORITE MOVIES: "American Pie" "Dead Man on Campus" "Animal House"

FAVORITE ACTORS/ACTRESSES: Alyson Hannigan, Mike Myers, the whole American Pie cast

FAVORITE SONGS: "Crush'em" "Stairway to Heaven" "Duce"

FAVORITE BANDS/ARTISTS: Kiss, Megadeth, Ozzy, Bill Monroe, Poison

PERSONAL QUOTES: "Live and let die" "Every rose has its thorn"

WHY YOU LIKE WILLOW/ALYSON HANNIGAN: Alyson is the best actress ever when it comes down to acting clueless and innocent, yet, as we see in American Pie, she can be bad or good, making her one of the most down to earth and most versital actresses around today.

ANYTHING YOU'D LIKE TO ADD: I loved American Pie and liked Dead man on Campus, but i wish she would get more play on Buffy. I would rather watch her act as Willow than watch that overacting Buffy.
