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NAME: the one that my parents gave me

AGE: you know, i could've answered this one with something really gross like, "let me cut myself open so i can count my rings." but i'll spare you and say..fifteen.

WHERE ARE YOU FROM?: well, my other extraterr--um..human beings would have me revealed if i admit this, so i'll just say the house that i sit in that is in houston that is in texas that is in the united states that is in north america that is on this planet that ends up being a reall small blip on the radar way up there.

BIRTHDAY: yes, i do have one. august 16, 1984. the same day as madonna. except..madonna's not fifteen, and i'm not fourty-one.

JOB/WHAT YOU WANT TO DO SOMEDAY: i kinda want to be a psychologist, right? but then i think, 'whoa, i'm kinda insane myself.' can a psycho be a psychologist?

HOBBIES: um..doing stuff. like, stuff, things, and more stuff. and i'm really good at not having a life.

FAVORITE TV SHOWS: the one's that come on when i'm too lazy to change the remote. that and infomercials.

FAVORITE MOVIES: the home movies that my family made when i was like five..and i'd dance around the living room and scream at everyone. i was a nasty child.

FAVORITE ACTORS/ACTRESSES: natalie, jillers, and panda.

FAVORITE SONGS: the one's that the voices in my head sing to me


PERSONAL QUOTES: "Occasionally I'm callous and strange." "i'm a happy bunny." yeah, those still apply.

WHY YOU LIKE WILLOW/ALYSON HANNIGAN: because occasionally she's callous and strange. ;)

