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KTLA morning news

SAM REUBEN: We've had a lot of celebrities in here, but never before one I had a crush on. I love Alyson Hannigan out of my mind. She's in love with Ryan Seacrest.

ALYSON HANNIGAN: No, I'm not in love with him.

SAM: You are, sort of.

ALYSON: No, I saw him. He's cute.

SAM: Of course this is Ryan, the Star 98.7 radio personality. Now you have a message for Ryan. He needs to watch the show tonight why?

ALYSON: Because I'm wearing leather and I just...

SAM: Woah.

ALYSON: But I'm not in love with him. I don't know him, I just think he's funny on the radio and he was cute.

SAM: You know what? That's enough for Ryan right there.

ALYSON: Okay. Perfect.

SAM: Willow is shy and retiring. Not retiring, but timid.

ALYSON: Right.

SAM: And tonight's Willow is bad and horrible.

ALYSON: Well, tonight there's two Willows. Evil Willow, and the Willow you know and love. Well, you could know and love Evil Willow, too. But the nice Willow versus Evil Willow.

SAM: Was it fun to play Evil Willow?

ALYSON: Yeah! I had gotten to do it before, but this is more of a meaty... Yeah.

SAM: Who is closer to the real Alyson?

ALYSON: (laughs) I don't know. My friend once said that Willow is one of my personalities and I think Evil Willow's probably another one of the personalities. I'm kind of a mesh of a whole bunch of personalities.

SAM: Okay. Well, it's kind of Sybil, and it's kind of Buffy. And it1s on tonight, take a look.

(Show clip from The Wish, when Evil Willow's playing with the "puppy.")

SAM: You know what? Right now Ryan is passed out. Alyson can not say all, but her tongue is very busy in this episode.

ALYSON: Yes, it's featured. (laughs)

SAM: You've worked at this for a long time. Has this changed your life? This is a show that people watch and it1s successful...

ALYSON: Oh, definitely. Yes, it's changed my life. Definitely. I'm constantly working, which I love. And it's on a great show, a quality show and I'm just so happy.

SAM: Every WB star, almost every actor that plays a teen, there are so many of these teen movies out now.


SAM: Do you think they're good? Do you like them?

ALYSON: Yes, I love them! Especially the one that I'm in! Called American Pie.

SAM: Great title. It's got a theme song.

ALYSON: Yeah, it's opening Memorial Day weekend. Up against that little movie Star Wars.

SAM: Oh, no problem.

ALYSON: Yeah, no problem. We1ll take Œem out. (laughs)

SAM: Nice Alyson and Evil Alyson, nice to see you.

ALYSON: Thank you.

SAM: And Buffy's on channel 5 tonight coincidentally at 8:00.

BARBARA BECK: There's just something about wearing leather, isn't there?

ALYSON: It's leather!

SAM: Woah, nice Barbara!

BARBARA: I know what you mean. It's 8:47. Next up, the group Take 6.

CARLOS AMEZCUA: The overalls are cute, too.

BARBARA: We1ll be right back.

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