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NAME: Lori

NICKname?: (if you don't have one, it's no biggie) Yes! i am The Almighty Linked One!

Birthday: August 16

Special Interests: Reading, online stuff, shopping!

Favorite color: hunter green

Joined the Hanniganites when?: ????

You're a Hanniganite b/c... I really loved the Willow character to start with, but the way they've changed her over the 3 seasons is great. She's still the same shy character from the first season but we all know how tough she can be when there's trouble.

Favorite Aly/Willow quote: "" I'm so the net girl" and "Ours is a forbidden love" both from Lie to Me

Keeperships? (can include non-BTVS ones, depending on the number you have in all) none

Anything else you want to share: Just to say that all the Hanniganites are some of the best buds i've had in a long time, this is a great family to be a part of!
