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NAME: Meghan


AGE: 14

FROM: Good old New Hampshire

BIRTHDAY: August 15th

JOB/WHAT YOU WANT TO DO SOMEDAY: Right now, I'm trying to get a job at Suncoast Videos, Sam Goody, or a book store. I want to be an actress and I'm pretty commited to it. I've taken so many workshops and preformed in so many plays, it's not even funny. If that falls through I'd like to be an author or own my own company.

HOBBIES: Dancing, singing, acting, watching BtVS, shopping, going to the movies, and talking on the phone.

FAVORITE TV SHOWS: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Charmed, Daria, FANatic, Friends, The Blame Game, Late Night with Conan O'Brien

FAVORITE MOVIES: American Pie, Cruel Intentions, Empire Records, Can't Hardly Wait, and any other teen sex comedy. Scream2, IKWYDLS--only the first one, and that's about it.

FAVORITE ACTORS/ACTRESSES: Nicholas Brendon, Alyson Hannigan, Johnny Whitworth, Ethan Erickson, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Charisma Carpenter, Elizabeth Anne Allen, Eliza Dushku, David Boreanez

FAVORITE SONGS: You Wanted More by Tonic, Mutt by Blink 182, All star by Smashmouth, If you had my Love by Jennifer Love Hewitt, Flagpole Sitta by Harvey Danger and anything they play on BtVS

FAVORITE BANDS/ARTISTS: Blink 182, Smashmouth,

PERSONAL QUOTES: "That's it, I'm calling the mother ship!", "I used to have a handle on life, then it broke.", and anything spoken, uttered, or muttered on BtVS.

WHY YOU LIKE WILLOW/ALYSON HANNIGAN: Her portrayl of Willow is so life like and mirrors my own experience and I find it very easy to relate to the character of Willow. And whenever Aly is being interviewed, she's always so nice even if the interviewer has no idea what their talking about. ::coughRegis andEvilCo-hostcough:::

ANYTHING YOU'D LIKE TO ADD: The Hanni-fam are the nicest people on the Net and some of my best friends
