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NAME: Meri


AGE: 15

FROM: Long Island

BIRTHDAY: 3/9/84

JOB/WHAT YOU WANT TO DO SOMEDAY: Doctor or Actress or Writer

HOBBIES: Singing, Watching t.v. (how pathetic), Going to movies, Hanging out with friends and GOING ONLINE!!

FAVORITE TV SHOWS: Buffy, Felicity, Roswell

FAVORITE MOVIES: Empire Records, Shakespeare in Love, My Cousin Vinny

FAVORITE ACTORS/ACTRESSES: Alyson Hannigan, Harrison Ford, Ryan Phillippe, SMG, David Boreanaz, William H. Macy, Julia Stiles

FAVORITE SONGS: Brown Eyed Girl, American Pie, We Didn't Start the Fire, Ice Cream

FAVORITE BANDS/ARTISTS: Billy Joel, Sarah McLachlan, Fleetwood Mac, Aerosmith, Queen

PERSONAL QUOTES: "Grrr Argh." "I see a little slillouete of a man, Scatamouche, Scatamouche, Scatamoche and let it go..."

WHY YOU LIKE WILLOW/ALYSON HANNIGAN: For her willow-y ness and her amazing one liner... "Say my name B*tch!"

ANYTHING YOU'D LIKE TO ADD: I am still the continous posting hanniganite and the worst speller of us all!
