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Regis and Kathie Lee
July 9, 1999

Regis: Okay, here she comes. Best known as Buffy the Vampires Slayers best friend. Her names Willow. Now she stars in the new comedy film "American Pie" and she's really getting a lot of notice. Here she is, Alyson Hannigan.

*Aly comes out wearing a really bright red dress which looks like it's made out of paper.

Regis: Now, is that dress made out of what I think it is?

Alyson: It's paper.

Regis: A paper dress?

Alyson: Yeah! Isn't it great? I feel very recyclable.

Regis: *Laughs* I've really never seen one of those. *To Kathie Lee* Have you?

Kathie Lee: No, I never have.

Alyson: Well, it's handmade.

Regis: And does she colour it by hand?

Alyson: I have no idea what she does.

Kathie Lee: Does it rip at all?

Alyson: Well, I'm hoping not. *laughs* I was a little worried about sitting in the chair. I'm just going, "Oh, gosh, Please don't rip!"

Regis: Can I touch it?

Alyson: Yes, go ahead.

*Regis feels the cloth of her dress*

Regis: Yeah, it's paper.

*Alyson Laughs*

Alyson: It's so comfortable!

Regis: Yeah, well it's great to have you on the show.

Alyson: Thanks for having me.

Regis: Boy, are things looking up for you. you have the "Buffy" thing on TV, "American Pie" in the movies, you own two houses. *To Kathie Lee* You know what she does? She's like you. She owns houses and then renovates them.

Alyson: Right. Well, I don't myself, but..

Regis: But you contract them?

Alyson: Yeah, right. Well, I try.

Kathie Lee: It's a fun hobby, isn't it?

Alyson: It isn't a hobby, really, because I'm not really productive. Like, I've been so busy lately, I haven't even been at my house to have the people give me an esitmate, so...

Regis: The worst thing you can do is try to renovate.

Alyson: *nods* Right.

Regis: I'm adding on. We started in November, but we are still going on with these guys (contractors) living with us!

Alyson: Oh?

Regis: They've become part of the family!

Kathie Lee: Pick your contractors very carefully. Make sure it's somebody you want to live with.

Alyson *Laughs*

Regis: Well now you've got quite the entarange in you home. You've got the dogs...

Alyson: I've got dogs, I've got cats, I've got mice, and roomates.

Regis: Well, everybody has mice.

Alyson: No, no, they're my pets. I have 2 mice: Pixie and Petunia.

*Audience laughs*

Regis: No kidding? Do they live in a cage?

Alyson: Yes! Oh, gosh yes! And they have the little thing..*mimics the mice with her hands*..and they can go in the little tunnels, and the wheels...

Kathie Lee: And the little treadmill?

Alyson: Yeah, it's really cool.

Regis: Wow.

Alyson: Yeah, but they're nocturnal. And they take..they have these little wood-chew things..and they thake it in the wheel and they run and all night it goes "Flilp..flip.."

Regis: And you're up all night.

Alyson: *rolls eyes* Yeah..

Regis: Do you have a boyfriend?

Alyson: *sounding giddy* Yeah. Yeah, he's great.

Regis: What does he do? Does he walk around the house in his own paper little shorts?

Alyson: *laughs* Ah, no. He's a drummer.

Regis: Oh, he's a drummer?

Alyson: So he's always going like this..*drums her legs, mimicing drumming*

Regis: They got that music in their head, those guys.

Kathie Lee: Shirley Temple was you big influence as a child, right?

Alyson: I LOVE Shirley Temple.

Kathie Lee: She was the most amazing talent..still is!

Alyson: Growing up, I wanted to be her. I wanted the curly hair, and the dimples, and to be able to sing and dance. She was adorable.

Kathie Lee: Well, now the movie you're in is not quite a Shirley Temple movie.

Alyson: *laughs*

Kathie Lee: Hardly, yeah. Now it's gotten quite controversial.

Alyson: It's a raunchy movie but it's funny! It's's so funny.

Regis: How raunchy is it?

Alyson: It's not raunchy like South Park, but it..*audience laughs* .but it's raunchy.

Regis: American Pie. Now what's it about?

Alyson: It's about 4 teenage boys who are really excited about losing their virginity. ANd they make a pact that they're, y'know, going to support each other at, wooing the girls. And they want to lose it before Prom night, too. It's crazy! *laughs*

Regis: What's your part in the movie?

Alyson: I play, well, she's a band geek. And Jason Bigg's character kind of gets enbarassed and nobody will go to the prom with him, and he winds up going with me.

Regis: And he's one of the 4 boys?

Alyson: Yes.

Regis: He takes you to the Prom?

Alyson: Yeah, yeah. Not by choice, I'm just one of the only girls that will go with him.

Regis: Awww..

Alyson: But it's great! I love the character that I play. She's so funny. She talks in question form. She's always..she's always talking about Band Camp.

Regis: Show me "question form". *To Kathie Lee* You're pretty good at this too. You answer her..

Kathie Lee: In Valley Girl talk?

Regis: Yeah. Okay, go.

Alyson: *laughs* Okay..*pauses, thinks of a line. Then in her band geek voice says* This one time in Band Camp....

Kathie Lee: *as Valley Girl* No Way!

Alyson: Yeah! *audience and Alyson laugh* You see, now I want to talk like you!

Regis: Well I see. She always talks *up* at the end of a sentence.

Alyson: Yeah, it was all written in question form, and you'd talk and you're like "What are you doing? Where are yu from? What planet?" And, y'know, I love playing it so much.

Regis: But that's the latest speech.

Alyson: Whenever I'm talking to someone like that, I'm totally stealing from them. I'm just so intrigued by people who talk differently. I'm just going to use that later as a character.

Regis: So how was your audition for American Pie. We just had Jennifer, wait..

*Regis and Kathie Lee argue over wether it was Jennifer Espizito or not. They eventually decide it was*

Regis: Yeah, she tried out, but she didn't get it. She was disappointed.

Alyson: Yeah, Well, for my call-back for American Pie, I had just gotten back from lunch with my managers. And I probably had 12 Iced Teas, and I had to wait in traffic for 40 minutes, so I had to pee SO BAD. I really thought my bladder was going to explode, so I get that nervous energy like "Please! Please! I have to go!"

Kathie Lee: If it happens in that dress, at least you have toilet paper. *Audience and Aly laugh*

Alyson: Yeah, well..

Kathie Lee: It would have been good for it.

Alyson: Yeah, and it's a very, very absorbant dress! *laughs* So anyways, I basically parked the car, ran to the bathroom, so then as I'm washing my hands, they call my name. So I had to go in and I had no time to, y'know, settle down all of that nervous energy after "Oh, I gotta pee!"

Kathie Lee: Wouldn't that work for the character?

Alyson: It did, I guess. I went in and I did my lines and I was *so* over the top. After, I just walked out of there going "They think I need to be institutionalized", 'cause I was so energetic..

Regis: But you got it.

Alyson: And I did.

Kathie Lee: Well, we're going to see it.

Regis: Well see how good you are.

Kathie Lee: *joking* We'll be the judge!

Alyson: *laughs*

Regis: More of Alyson Hannigan from American Pie after this.

*cuts to commercial*

Regis: Welcome back. Alyson Hannigan is our guest. The star of "American Pie" and also "Buffy the Vampire Slayer". And is a big soccer fan. Tomorrow is the world series of soccer.

Alyson: *excited* I know!

Regis: The American vs. the Chinese team.

Alyson: Yeah. I'm so excited! I wish I could be there.

Regis: Did you play yourself?

Alyson: I did. I started playing at 3 years old in an all-boys team. I was the only girl. We were the Mighty Mites. And, y'know, the ball was the size of my leg.

Regis: Yeah.

Alyson: And I just loved it. I played for, like, 10 years, then I got hurt. So now I play every once-and-awhile.

Regis: It seems like there isn't a lot of scoring in soccer there's a lot of running up and down.

Alyson: There is a lot of running.

Kathie Lee: It seems like you must be arobically..well, if you're arobically challanged than avoid the game.

Alyson: Yeah, definetly.

Regis: But, now all of a sudden, this American team..

Alyson: Oh, yeah, they're awesome!

Kathie Lee: Yeah. I'm glad. It's great.

Regis: I hope they win tomorrow. That'll be great.

Alyson: Yeah.

Regis: So now, tell us about "Buffy the Vampire Slayer". How many years has that been on?

Alyson: We will be going into our 4th season.

Regis: Wow.

Alyson: *smiles* Yeah.

Regis: and you play her best friend?

Alyson: Yes.

Regis: Now..I haven't seen too many of those. Do you know she's the Vampire Slayer?

Alyson: Yes, but the general public doesn't really know.

Regis: Have you ever seen a Vampire on the show?

Alyson: Oh, yeah! Actually, I think I've Staked a couple. So, yeah.

Kathie Lee: What do you mean you *think* you've staked a couple?

Alyson: Well...

Kathie Lee: How do you forget that you've staked a vampire?

Alyson: Well, we don't Actually do it so...

Kathie Lee: Oh, it's like "virtual"?

Alyson: Yeah, with computers.

Kathie Lee: Computers.....ah!

Alyson: But, I think I've killed, like, two.

Kathie Lee: And how many has she [Buffy] killed?

Alyson: Oh, goodness!

Regis: Well, she's the Vampire Slayer.

Alyson: Like, thousands.

Regis: Well what would we do without Buffy?

*Aly and audience laughs*

Regis: That's the way I see it!

Alyson: We would be overrun with vampires! *laughs*

Regis: Have you been on all 4 years?

Alyson: Yes.

Regis: So, you're hot kid!!

Alyson: *laughs*

Kathie Lee: Let's see her in "American Pie". C'mon Reg!

Regis: Okay, so tell us about American Pie.

Alyson: Okay, this scene is where Jason Bigg's character Jim, who's just been humiliated over the Internet, and none of the girls will talk to him. Except for me!

Regis: You see, I find that so sad when boys or girls...

Kathie lee: Start to use rumors...?

Regis:..can't find a date for the Prom.

Kathie Lee: Oh!

Regis: Why does that break me up!

Kathie Lee: They get over it!

Regis: Yeah, they do but *I* can't! Okay let's look at the clip. This is where Jason asks her to the Prom.

*the clip from American Pie where "Michelle" is asked to the Prom is aired*

Regis: Now is this one of the guys that has made the pledge?

Alyson: Yes, the pact. Yeah...

Regis: I don't want to ask how this turns out. Is it any good?

Alyson: *Laughs* Well, you shouldn't judge her by...there's more to her than just Band Camp.

Regis: Well, listen, he's no prize, this guy.

Kathie Lee: He's no picnic in the park.

Alyson: Awww..

Regis: Him, looking at you like you're just boring.

Alyson: Well, there's more to her. You just gotta see the film.

Regis: Well, American Pie opens tonight and Buffy is one Tuesdays. You've got the season finale coming up, right?

Alyson: The season finale was postponed and now it's airing on this Tuesday.

Regis: Is it hairraising?

Kathie Lee: Well, it's about a shooting in a school.

Alyson: No, no, no, no...

Kathie Lee: *looks confused*

Alyson: Well, our big finale, there's this big demon and...

Kathie Lee: I can't keep up with all this!!

Regis: *to Kathie Lee* I know. I thought it was that too. Okay, so it's this Tuesday night at 8 o'clock. Well, you've got a lot going on.

Kathie Lee: Good to meet you! *shakes Alysons hand*

Alyson: Thanks.

Regis: Thanks, Alyson.
