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Slayer Central Post-Party

You have just entered room “Slayer Central”
Ashy221111: hey slayr
HEADDAVACA: They've worked together a lot.
SlayrGodss: Hey everyone nice to put moving words with names
Ashy221111: nick & nat
N HaHa: i'mwe're
NuttyGrl14: Hi Nick, Hi Nat!!
OnlineHost: “Mzloril” has entered the room.
SlackerSpc: Ha haha ha ha.
MelonJello: Hi Nick, Nat!
N HaHa: i meant "we're here"
Ashy221111: hey lori
Fluf2Toes: This is so cool. We do have lives, we do have lives
NuttyGrl14: sure u did...
JC BELL764: I wish I had signed on throught the main site so I could've gotten the audio!
JC BELL764: Hi, Nick!
Mzloril: hey
HEADDAVACA: I'm so stoked that she knows about us!
N HaHa: hi lori
OnlineHost: “Rosiefunny” has entered the room.
MelonJello: Maybe DWO will have it?
OnlineHost: “TAFKABH” has entered the room.
N HaHa: i'm a happy camper
MelonJello: Hi Lori!
JC BELL764: I hope so, Nat.
Ashy221111: john is here
Fluf2Toes: JOHN, you the man
SlayrGodss: It will be in the archives when ya get RA working
JC BELL764: The man of the hour!
N HaHa: did my ques (Natalie) get answered?
NuttyGrl14: JOHN!!!!!
MelonJello: John, you rock!
JC BELL764: I have it working.
Mzloril: that was pretty cool
N HaHa: good work john!!!!!!!!
SlayrGodss: I cant get mine to work I tried till 2 am this morning
Fluf2Toes: John now needs a new title for under his name
SlackerSpc: ::kneeling:: John.
NuttyGrl14: John got answered by the Adorable one!!!!
HEADDAVACA: This sucks, the asylum chat is still going on, but they cut it off for us.
Fluf2Toes: How about the Almighty ?????????
Ashy221111: John is the man
TAFKABH: Thanks!
Fluf2Toes: Nick, help me here
JC BELL764: Answered One
OnlineHost: “RavenAmbr” has entered the room.
MelonJello: It's that host guy. He doesn't like us.
TAFKABH: Its GREAT the Hanniganites got a mention!
Fluf2Toes: Good one Jen
JC BELL764: Hi, Raven
N HaHa: The Almighty Lucky One
SlackerSpc: Host guy will be found dead at 3AM, PST.
OnlineHost: "RavenAmbr” has left the room.
MelonJello: Hi Raven!
Ashy221111: hey raven
JC BELL764: LOL, Karyn!
Fluf2Toes: That could be taken many ways Nick
Rosiefunny: this is so spiffy
HEADDAVACA: The host guy messed up your screen name, john.
SlayrGodss: Geez we gotta wait that long? lol
MelonJello: Lol
SlackerSpc: But no one say anything, okay?
TAFKABH: Are you serious?
SlayrGodss: : x
Fluf2Toes: Mums the word
Ashy221111: I will defend the person that kills that host!!!!!!!
Fluf2Toes: Wipe off all prints
HEADDAVACA: Cross our hearts.
MelonJello: Your secrets safe with us....
SlackerSpc: I'm going to blame it on the violent influence of the Spice Girls.
N HaHa: The Almighty Answered One... suggested by Jen
SlayrGodss: I tgink u should blame it on hanson
Ashy221111: I agree
NuttyGrl14: I'm totally behind the host murderer, very behind
SlayrGodss: think even
HEADDAVACA: Get Johny Cockron, and not that Lady.
Fluf2Toes: Sweaty Spice was on Howard this morning. Blame it on her
N HaHa: that'll hold up in court
SlackerSpc: Yes, Hanson.
MelonJello: It's that sporty...All the kung fu. What's a girl to think?
SlackerSpc: Sweaty Spice?
SlackerSpc: NO! Sporty did not do it.
OnlineHost: “RavenAmbr” has entered the room.
Ashy221111: They couldn't convict
Fluf2Toes: Parody of Spice Girls. Very funny
OnlineHost: “JCPandich” has entered the room.
Ashy221111: I am working on the defense now
RavenAmbr: Hey there
OnlineHost: “CIRCA 414” has entered the room.
Fluf2Toes: So is John now to be known as The Almighty Answered One?
JCPandich: Thank, RavenAmbr
SlackerSpc: It was Nancy Kerrigan, I swear. She's bitter.
RavenAmbr: You're welcome
CIRCA 414: Hey I'm back!
Ashy221111: I think it was OJ
MelonJello: Hi SCP
N HaHa: yep. he is the second board member with a NICKname
RavenAmbr: cool
HEADDAVACA: I'm gonna to get the video working. Remember, Hannigans, we Rock!
MelonJello: Hey Circa!
TAFKABH: Awww, shucks!
HEADDAVACA: Err, Hanniganites.
N HaHa: beak out the... um, milk?
RavenAmbr: We can get it by going to E Asylum, right?
CIRCA 414: John you are still the man!!! Of the hour!!!
MelonJello: John, you rock. Cookies or no cookies!
SlackerSpc: {{{{Hannigans}}}}
HEADDAVACA: She is going to the message boards and post.
CIRCA 414: And Elizabeth you are the Woman of the Hour
N HaHa: john is going to get so many tribute posts
Ashy221111: Who?
Mzloril: Pop champagne corks for John
SlackerSpc: And I'm the Spice obsessed maniac of the hour.
OnlineHost: “HEADDAVACA” has left the room.
JCPandich: Ow! Watch where you point those bottles!
TAFKABH: So can I post my new nickname?
SlackerSpc: brb
N HaHa: ow!my eye!
Fluf2Toes: Slowing down, have to get chocolate, brb
N HaHa: of course
Fluf2Toes: Post away John
N HaHa: who's got snickers?
Ashy221111: d anyone?r pepper
OnlineHost: “JC BELL764” has left the room.
N HaHa: you deserve it
JCPandich: Sorry, must have bounced off my head, Nick
OnlineHost: “JC BELL764” has entered the room.
JC BELL764: Pardon me. I got a boot up my butt.
Fluf2Toes: Back now. UUMMM chocolate
MelonJello: Ash, pass some this way. Nick, I've got snickers...
TAFKABH: After hours of sending, they better have answered me!! :0)
N HaHa: i was talking to john. he deserves to post his NICKname
Ashy221111: ::pass dp::
JCPandich: You have a what up your what?
MelonJello: and pixie sticks!
RavenAmbr: Anybody got Oreos?
Ashy221111: Twix?
JC BELL764: I got booted.
N HaHa: SNICKERS! Jess, you're my new best friend!
OnlineHost: “Rosiefunny” has left the room.
JC BELL764: I have hot chocolate---out of the other stuff.
Fluf2Toes: Wow, still in awe. She said the word Hanniganites
MelonJello: I'm passing them. Ash, I can't reach. Can you pass 'em?
JC BELL764: Out loud, even!
RavenAmbr: yeah!
Ashy221111: ::passess:::::::::::::
N HaHa: hurry... need sugar...
JCPandich: Anyone know the keyword for Slayer Central?
N HaHa: yum! :: sound of Natalie inhalating chocolatey goodness::
SlackerSpc: So, what was the exact phrase where she said "Hanniganites"?
TAFKABH: I have to go back and re read the thing. Everyone started IM'ing me when it happened.
Ashy221111: Nat stuff that suger
MelonJello: Yum. Tasty Dr. pepper....
JCPandich: I'd like to get here under my own name sometime.
JC BELL764: Some of those questions were abyssmally stupid.
Fluf2Toes: How are you feeling Nat?
Fluf2Toes: Jen will send you a link Pandich
JC BELL764: Drop me an E-mail, Pandich!
Ashy221111: I agrree I am on my third
N HaHa: aol://2719:2-2-Slayer%20Central
SlackerSpc: I had Ho'Ho's/
MelonJello: I want to be one of those host dudes. I'd pick decent questions.
JC BELL764: You got booted too, Nick?
N HaHa: I'm better. still kinda feverish but sxhool-bo7nd
N HaHa: no, i don't know what happened
Fluf2Toes: I can see that
Ashy221111: It's that host, he doesn't like us
Fluf2Toes: John, you busy IMing still?
N HaHa: i apologized
NuttyGrl14: he's evil....
JCPandich: Thanks Nick
NuttyGrl14: must be destroyed...
N HaHa: welcome
Ashy221111: I got the perfect defense
N HaHa: kil kill kill kill kill...
OnlineHost: “HEADDAVACA” has entered the room.
Fluf2Toes: Go to it Lawyer Girl
N HaHa: what is the defense?
NuttyGrl14: hehehehehehe......
OnlineHost: “Sugarbop13” has entered the room.
Ashy221111: He attacked us
JC BELL764: Hi, Elizabeth. Get booted?
HEADDAVACA: Wow, I can see her and hear her.
JC BELL764: Hi, Sugar!
SlackerSpc: How stupid are people?!?
N HaHa: i like it
Sugarbop13: hey
HEADDAVACA: Nope, I went to Easylum.
Ashy221111: thanks
N HaHa: was my question answwerreed??? Under NLW2218?
Fluf2Toes: There is no DNA evidence. Can't prove anything
JC BELL764: Is that a keyword, Elizabeth?
HEADDAVACA: Anthony Stewart Head will be on Feb. 3
N HaHa: lol
TAFKABH: $ more to go Fluf!
HEADDAVACA: anime got another question asked. Not fair.
SlackerSpc: I just got an E-mail from someone claiming to be the Spice Girls using a friend's SN.
CIRCA 414: Thanks Head.
RavenAmbr: that should be cool
OnlineHost: “Svlog” has entered the room.
HEADDAVACA: I'll go away now.
N HaHa: who's gonna tell dragnnrth?
RavenAmbr: somebody tell Dragon
Fluf2Toes: And you believe them?
CIRCA 414: We should All prepare our questions way ahead and post them like four hours before he comes
CIRCA 414: on
TAFKABH: 4 more to go Fluf!
JC BELL764: We should all tell her.
OnlineHost: “HEADDAVACA” has left the room.
MelonJello: Someone let Dragon know...
SlackerSpc: Oh, yes. The Spice Girls always E-mail me.
Fluf2Toes: I think John should be the one to have the honor of posting on the board
Ashy221111: Me too katyn
Ashy221111: Karyn
CIRCA 414: Slack are you fore real!? i loce them!
RavenAmbr: ditto
JC BELL764: I agree, Fluf.
CIRCA 414: Well i already posted something
Svlog: HEY
Fluf2Toes: Thats O.K., but John really should get the credit
TAFKABH: I think we should ALL post something!
CIRCA 414: But John you AND Elizabeth should post something you two are the man and woman of the hour
CIRCA 414: by far
Fluf2Toes: He's been sending in the question all afternoon
JC BELL764: I might get booted, folks, but I'm going to try something.
Ashy221111: Ok, we are off the hook, we win
Svlog: Ok JC
Fluf2Toes: Be careful Jen.
N HaHa: what's dragon's sn?
RavenAmbr: I'll see you guys on the board tomorrow. Calc & english call. =o(
TAFKABH: We are all Hanniganites!
Svlog: have fun
Fluf2Toes: Take care Raven
CIRCA 414: I mean after all even though i started posting my questions last night...i feel like John
N HaHa: bye raven
JCPandich: Wow, fun.
Ashy221111: bye raven
CIRCA 414: and Liz deserve the credit
RavenAmbr: BYE!
Fluf2Toes: You posted last night?
Svlog: what's up everyone?
OnlineHost: “RavenAmbr” has left the room.
N HaHa: how is dragon's sn spelled?
Fluf2Toes: OK, then it was a team effort. Sorry, didn't mean to hurt feelings
CIRCA 414: fluf I was online for hours posting and posting until my mom threatened to take my AOL for a
CIRCA 414: month
Fluf2Toes: (read above)
Svlog: bye guys
TAFKABH: I got lucky! We all won!
CIRCA 414: This morning I got up extra early like round 6:00 something Inever do, and posted stuff
OnlineHost: “Svlog” has left the room.
CIRCA 414: Fluf no feelings hurt
SlackerSpc: I'm off, dear Hanniganites.
Fluf2Toes: Glad to hear it. Didn't know about your effort. Good job to you too
CIRCA 414: jjust feeling of happiness all over
SlackerSpc: Don't let the Spice Girls get you.
N HaHa: bye karyn
Ashy221111: Bye Karyn!!!!!!
SlackerSpc: Bye!
Fluf2Toes: Bye Karyn
Sugarbop13: bye karyn
N HaHa: bye karyn, from nt
SlayrGodss: Buh Bye
CIRCA 414: Bye Slack
TAFKABH: Bye Karyn!
OnlineHost: “SlackerSpc” has left the room.
NuttyGrl14: bye Karyn
JCPandich: Bye Karyn
CIRCA 414: We should really thing Nick and Karyn and John who made the Hanniganites what we are today
CIRCA 414: A family
JCPandich: I have a question: Does anyone remember if there was an
Fluf2Toes: (stupid 91 minute message just flashed_
OnlineHost: “MelonJello” has left the room.
N HaHa: aw, shucks
CIRCA 414: Without their efforts we never would have been able to do this
Fluf2Toes: Hate that thing too
SlayrGodss: <-------thankful
JCPandich: outside entrance to the library?
N HaHa: :::blushes:::
N HaHa: thanks, nick, john and karyn
TAFKABH: Shucks!
Ashy221111: Nick blushed, how sweet
CIRCA 414: LOL Ashy
TAFKABH: Well, we did it guys!
N HaHa: i will say thanks for karyn
JCPandich: Congratulations!
N HaHa: thanks
Ashy221111: Congrats!!!!
Fluf2Toes: You guys really put in an effort there. You should all be proud. I salute you
TAFKABH: Who wants to bet Aly has no idea what a Hanniganite is?
Ashy221111: What are we betting?
OnlineHost: “Nodakskip” has entered the room.
N HaHa: ;;natalie salutes and burns her hand when it hitsd feverish skin::
JCPandich: She's bright, I think she can figure out what it is.
Fluf2Toes: She will figure it out by the time she gets home
N HaHa: hi!!!!!
Ashy221111: helllllllloooooooo
Nodakskip: hey the chat just got over
Ashy221111: Caffffffffffeine Higggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
JC BELL764: Well, my experiment didn't work. I'm definitely going to the a/v area for ASH.
OnlineHost: “SlayrGodss” has left the room.
Nodakskip: have i missed anything?
Sugarbop13: I don't need caffeine my body makes it's on.
JC BELL764: Nodak, were you in the audio chat?
Ashy221111: I have two papers, and a brief to write by Monday...
Fluf2Toes: Can you believe some of those questions. LAME
Nodakskip: i had audio and video
Ashy221111: Awful
JC BELL764: Incredibly lame.
JC BELL764: How did you get there?
CIRCA 414: Here everyone (I don't normally share my grub but on such an honarable occaasion I can do
Nodakskip: i went to the EA website and they said it wasent working
Fluf2Toes: Jen, I feel bad. I talked you out of leaving the room.
TAFKABH: We did copy this sucker didn't we?
Nodakskip: then they posted a url and it worked
CIRCA 414: it) Smores anyone?
N HaHa: (Natalie speaking) I'm gonna leave for a littlw bit, hopefully you'll all still be here
CIRCA 414: And I have Coke for you all too!
JC BELL764: Don't feel bad. As long as I make it in for ASH.
N HaHa: save me a coke
JC BELL764: I'll take one, CIRCA.
Ashy221111: Thanks Jen
Fluf2Toes: They will probably have it on the Digital Worlds site tomorrow
TAFKABH: Did anyone copy it?
CIRCA 414: JC here you go!!
JCPandich: Mm, s'mores
Ashy221111: Sorry, head rush
JC BELL764: Hmm. Thanks.
CIRCA 414: I copied it
TAFKABH: Oh cool!
Fluf2Toes: Sticky keyboards!
JC BELL764: Nodak, did you just go to ichat?
CIRCA 414: LOL Fluf
TAFKABH: I only want one part!!! :0)
N HaHa: nat says bye for now
Ashy221111: bye nat
JC BELL764: Bye, NAT!
JCPandich: If I get this board sticky, my brother will kill me!
TAFKABH: Bye Nat!!!!!!!!!!
CIRCA 414: Bye Nat!!!
OnlineHost: “Sugarbop13” has left the room.
Nodakskip: ibye nat
JCPandich: Oh, well, I can blame it on the fact that it's a Windows machine ;)
Nodakskip: she looked so sweet on the video feed
CIRCA 414: I wish you guys could here this...right now i'm playing back the video thingie that my dad
N HaHa: right on, scp!
Fluf2Toes: This is a day that will live on in Hanniganite History!
CIRCA 414: just gave me from the Aly Net interview
JC BELL764: Nodak, did you just go to ichat?
CIRCA 414: He said he was online and was in there and copied it just for me
TAFKABH: Did she hlod up a sign saying Hi John?
Fluf2Toes: Funny John
Nodakskip: i was chatting but gave up and just watched the video
TAFKABH: One can hope!
CIRCA 414: I don't want to crush your heart so I won't answer that
Fluf2Toes: brb
N HaHa: i can't believe she didn't answer a question from me
JC BELL764: Thanks, Nodak.
NuttyGrl14: only 10 ppl left? where'd everyone go?
Ashy221111: who knows
Nodakskip: i heard and saw the hannigite question
JCPandich: Maybe Angle's on the loose
JC BELL764: I actually have to go, folks. See you on the board!
CIRCA 414: I know I sent my questions early and I clicked the question box
N HaHa: bye jen
TAFKABH: Bye Jen!!! Thanks!
Ashy221111: Me too, behave everyone
JC BELL764: =0)
OnlineHost: “JC BELL764” has left the room.
Ashy221111: bye Jen
CIRCA 414: By JC
CIRCA 414: It was nice meeting you
NuttyGrl14: bye jen
JCPandich: I'm going to have to go soon, but I do have a question.
Ashy221111: See you guys later
Fluf2Toes: WAIT
NuttyGrl14: Iwas in IM land, I come back, only 10
N HaHa: i hope angle got the message that i left for him. if he did, we can say bye to the chat host
CIRCA 414: BYe Ahsy
Fluf2Toes: You guys ready for this.........
CIRCA 414: Everyone is leaving
JCPandich: Does anyone recall if the library at the school has an outside entrance?
Ashy221111: what fluf>
CIRCA 414: But i'm going to hold out till the end
Fluf2Toes: The chat is already in the Digital Worlds site
JCPandich: I need to know to finish up the next fanfic.
Fluf2Toes: Can I send a link here?
N HaHa: i think it does
Mzloril: So do other people check here during the day to see if anyone else is here or is it just
NuttyGrl14: Nope, no outside entrance
CIRCA 414: Fluf I think so!!
Mzloril: me
Nodakskip: it has an outside thing behind the stacks
N HaHa: that's fast
Fluf2Toes: Let me try
Ashy221111: Drop me the link fluf
CIRCA 414: How exactly do you get into Slayer Central
JCPandich: Okay, a concealed entrance. Fits the plot even better.
Nodakskip: have to go
OnlineHost: “Nodakskip” has left the room.
Fluf2Toes: No can do. IM me and I will link you
Ashy221111: night guys
Fluf2Toes: Night Ash
CIRCA 414: Bye Ashy
N HaHa: night ashli
CIRCA 414: Hey Nick
CIRCA 414: Good to have you back
N HaHa: hey circa
OnlineHost: “Ashy221111” has left the room.
N HaHa: i wasn't gone
CIRCA 414: Bye Noda
CIRCA 414: Oh
CIRCA 414: My bad
N HaHa: so john, how does it feel to be the man of the eternity on the board?
CIRCA 414: How do you get in to Slayer Central: Is it through the peoples connection?
NuttyGrl14: John likes being in the lime light
TAFKABH: Sure he does!!! :0)
Fluf2Toes: Jen posts about Slayer Central on the board
NuttyGrl14: I knew it!
N HaHa: you got your question answered. that makes you a mega celeb on the board
TAFKABH: But more important, The Hanniganites!
Fluf2Toes: If you don't see it email her at JC BELL764. She'll put you on the list
N HaHa: true
N HaHa: circa, you
N HaHa: are in slayer central
CIRCA 414: Nick how does it feel to be the start of all of this..You will always be THE MAN...casue
CIRCA 414: John could not have presented us had it not been for you as co creator
CIRCA 414: Yes but how do I link to it nick
N HaHa: co-start of all this. i did it with john and karyn
N HaHa: oh, click the little heart in the upper right corner of the window, the click enter
Fluf2Toes: EAMC Host: Here is a question from TAFKABH for Alyson Hannigan of "Buffy" Question: Hi Alyso
JCPandich: I gotta go folks.
CIRCA 414: Exactly so you guys will always have a special place in my hearts always
Fluf2Toes: Damn. whole thing won't send
CIRCA 414: Bye JC
N HaHa: bye scp
TAFKABH: Nick is the one who has kept the Hanniganites going. Along with Karyn!
OnlineHost: “JCPandich” has left the room.
TAFKABH: Thanks anyway Fluf. That was sweet!
N HaHa: yeah, but you were part of the start
Fluf2Toes: I'm tiring out guys. Chocolate not working anymore. Bed time for me.
CIRCA 414: Yeah Nick give your self some credit..the place would be in chaos if you and a few others
N HaHa: bye fluff
Fluf2Toes: Plugging in electric blanket and going to bed
TAFKABH: Take care Fluf!! Thanks for coming!
CIRCA 414: didn't keep the place in touch
CIRCA 414: Bye Fluf
Fluf2Toes: John, so proud of you
Fluf2Toes: And the rest of you too
Fluf2Toes: Rock on Hanniganites!!!!!!!!!!
OnlineHost: “Fluf2Toes” has left the room.
OnlineHost: “Mzloril” has left the room.
CIRCA 414: But John you were the man tonight and always will be!!! I mean you got OUR question through
CIRCA 414: I meant to say YOUR
N HaHa: Natalie's back! Miss me?
CIRCA 414: Hanniganites forever!!!
TAFKABH: Thanks, Like I said, Its the Hanniganites that won!
CIRCA 414: Yeah Nat!!
NuttyGrl14: Only 4 left, now I'm making it 3. Mom's kicking me off
N HaHa: bye circa
CIRCA 414: Bye Nutty
NuttyGrl14: Hanniganite ROck!!!!
CIRCA 414: I told you I would stick to this until the end
N HaHa: sorry, bye nicky
N HaHa: bye, Nicky
NuttyGrl14: Bye all, see ya on the message boards
NuttyGrl14: :-)
OnlineHost: “NuttyGrl14” has left the room.
CIRCA 414: :) bye
TAFKABH: I better go too. See you guys on the board!!!!!!
CIRCA 414: By John
N HaHa: bye, almighty answered one
N HaHa: bye, john!
CIRCA 414: Well it looks like it's just us
N HaHa: Natalie leaves now, too. bye
TAFKABH: Take Care All You Hanniganites!!!!!
OnlineHost: “TAFKABH” has left the room.
N HaHa: bye
CIRCA 414: BYe
