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Name known as: Stephanie C.

NICKname?: The Almighty Pretentious One

Birthday: August 6, 1979

Special Interests: Buffy, X-Files, Acting, Singing Dancing, yadda yadda yadda

Favorite color: Blue

Joined the Hanniganites when?: I was member no. 5

You're a Hanniganite b/c... Hello!!! It's Aly! Need I say more?

Favorite Aly/Willow quote: "I...have my own fun." (TED)

Keeperships? THE TAROT CARDS CORDY'S DINNER AT BUCKY'S FONDUE HUT XANDER'S UTILITY CLOSET. WILLOW'S UPGRADES AND THE WRITTEN VERSION THAT SOUNDED PRETTY GOOD AFTER SHE TRIED TO ACTUALLY SAY IT. "Buffy told me that sometimes what a girl makes has to be the first move and now that I'm saying this I'm starting to think that the written version sounded pretty good, know what i mean!" (PHASES)

Anything else you want to share: I'm putting together a care package for Aly that a whole bunch of us are going to give to her at the big ComiCon in August. if anyone has any suggestions send them my way.
