Local Antelope Valley Links

Here are links of resources in the Antelope Valley Area. If you would like to be added, please email AntelopeValleyPagans@yahoo.com

Pagan Resources in Our Community

There's not a lot of things out here yet, not since Inner Journeys closed. But here are some links to places that mail order, some are in our area, some are not. If you know of a good resource for books, materials, etc, let us know and if it's local or nearbye and ethical, we'll post the site here.

Inner Journeys The store closed down but they still sell crystals and other items from their site!

Cybermagick Online storeThis is Ozzy's site and he hopes to open a real life store one day.

Other Local Resources

Mojave Desert State Parks
Best homepage of the month, Shawnee's site.

Featherwolf Graphic Design and Web Pages

Personal Home Pages of Antelope Valley Pagans and Friends

Dragon's Weyr Circle A Majestic tradition Coven in the Antelope Valley

Pagan-Friendly Churches in the Antelope Valley
If you know of any others, let us know, and we'll link to them! Antelope Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship This Church is quite friendly and open to all belief systems. Their principles include a search for truth and meaning... and while they don't have a CUUPs group, they are certainly welcoming of Pagans. Some of us attend here.