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Linda's Personal Care 4 Personal Computers

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    Need a Good firewall that works with dialup or cable?. Free for personal use. I've used this and it has a good program that records all incoming and outgoing records, however I did have some problems with some programs that have to bypass the firewall such as online gaming.

    I suggest doing your research for what particular programs you have and invest a little if needed.

    One of the other great things to come along is a totally independant utility. When you've been hit or suspect some virus has changed your virus program...yes there are some that actually affect the virus programs so their not detected. However if you click below you can have an online check of your computer that will not only detect but clean your harddrive. Good luck.

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    Good Day,

    Below you will find tips to help you work with the computer more efficiently.
    Feel free to write me if you have suggestions or tips
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    I also can have you up and running in a short time,
    of course this depends on how much detail you want.
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    So if you are a small to medium business that wants their business on the web please contact me.

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    • Virus warnings.

    • Recently I helped a friend get past the terrible Dwarf virus...No he didn't read my warning I had sent out...but alas we worked thru it. In discovering this virus that comes in your email. Personally I received from a HaHaHa. Fortunately my 6th sence said not to open it... but alas as I was stating my friend got curious...and the curiosity nearly killed his harddrive. There is a site on McAfee that will walk you thru the other operating systems. This is for you users running Windows 98. It's just a quick step.

      1. Start menu.

      2. Run

      3. SFC

      4. check system files.

      5. Restore any corrupt files using your Windows 98 cd.

      I found some I didn't realise was a problem.

      The problem is may have lost your winsock32.dll file and it may not show up in sfc.

      While still using SFC click on [x] extract one file from installation disk,
      Then type in winsock32.dll
      Location drop down from your cdrom drive/win98
      Save file in C:\windows\
      The problem here is that SPF may not identify the single file as it is entrapped in a windows Cab File.
      My first suggestion is this...if you havn't got the virus... go to the C:\windows folder and right click on the Winsock32.dll make a copy
      then rename that to winsock32.dl_
      You've just saved yourself a tremendous headache.
      Virus scan your computer if you suspect the virus has hit you.
      Then make sure your winsock32.dll file is still there...if not...after cleaning the virus, rename the copy to winsock32.dll
      Make sure you copy again for backup.
      Otherwise you'll have to start your computer in dos with a startup disk you created or should have created from the control panel
      Add remove programs
      startup disk tab
      Put your Windows cdrom in the computer cd drive
      Put your "write protected" [make sure the tab shows a hole] floppy startup disk in the floppy drive
      Boot up the computer after shutting down for 1 minute.
      When you get to the A: prompt, you should have cdrom support.
      type in : cd d:\win98 as long as your cdrom drive is d: , if not type in the drive it is.
      In dos sometimes it may have changed, you can try other letters to see if it will locate it
      Once in that cdrom drive under the win98 folder type in "Setup" without the quotations.
      Follow the directions.
      It will state you have an operating system, this is ok. Continue.

      The best tip i've come across is from the
      VIRUS Protection Newscopy
      So, how does your computer get viruses?
      It's amazingly easy, actually. Any time you run code that you got from someone else, you run *some* risk of getting a virus. With commercial software obtained directly from the manufacturer, the risk is minimal. Still there, but minimal.
      There are other ways, but these account for the vast majority of cases:

      * Loading files with macros without checking for viruses. This is probably the most common these days. There are thousands of macro viruses out there that are spread through sharing of Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, etc.

      * Downloading and running many games that are distributed through private sites. (The major download sites are usually pretty safe.)

      * Opening infected emails in an HTML capable mail reader without having disabled ActiveX and the like. (Yes, Virginia, you CAN get a virus just from reading an email on a PC. If your system is set up wrong.) {My Insert-->"NEW---JUST LAST WEEK --I got hit with a virus I didn't know was there...and i'm the most precautious person. I don't even open email forwards if I have to open something more than twice...I'm sorry that is just annoying. If it's that important someone should be typing out the message!
      Well my computer froze, however it wasn't that simple. I first lost the mouse, I figured something had happened to the mouse driver. When I rebooted I got the dreaded message "a file needed to start or run windows, or windows application is missing". Fortunately I was able to bootup into the windows in Safe mode [click on F8 before going into windows] and go into edit system.ini - I have several thousand books to help me go into checking some things. And fortunately [hehehe] if you have more than one computer, ask the other user to see if that "important file" is on their computer. If it isn't than it's not important. What then is happening is either 1. you've uninstalled some program that the system.ini is still searching for and didn't reset the registry or the virus did something. I found the file and put a ; semicolin in front of it in the system.ini file and then rebooted. Well that didn't solve everything. Still mouse problems. I fortunately have a built system with the full version of Windows 98 se. which unlike some "major manufacture's" software that when resetting or recovering will format and regain a clean computer...sure you get to start all over...that includes you've just lost all your data you didn't put on disk...opps back to those who are smart and have backed their data... well I have less to worry about that... [not really as I've been meaning to save stuff on my new cdrw...hoping a virus doesn't lose everything...] We take so much for granted.. oh ok i'm back just got carried away there. Where was I...oh ok, reboot into ms-dos [well that's the right thing to do.... :) I cheat ... I open the start menu and run / browse... oh don't listen to me... i might mess you up... this only works if you have the actual Microsoft disk... you can go to setup on your disk. And it will load Windows 98 all over... and NO you won't lose all your data...your desktop will stay the same. You may have to remove that annoying Online folder...but hey thats minor. :)

      Ok this is in a perfect world, if all goes well. I on the other hand set off my virus protection that apparently finally identified the little bugger that was sitting, waiting for something to set it off... and it tried to partitian my harddrives...ack ---thankyou thankyou for my virus buster, it stopped it. Even after reinstalling Windows98 and all seems computer no longer liked my ps2/ I had to change to a serial mouse. All seems well now. I went to "housecall free scan " see the new button above. All clear. I haven't let my guard down thou. Something changed...i'm not 100% sure what. But when I went into ms-dos and did the fdisk /mbr which replaces the master boot record with a version before the change. It wouldn't let me. So something either affected it or the new one. I'm now in the process of backing up and I'm going to do the format thing. This is coming from a person who says ""FORMAT" is actually a 4 letter word in desquise!" Last resort.

      But sometimes it's necessary.

      The only indication of what happened just before this all happened was I went to a website that windows popped open a million times and one must have had something on it.

      OK BACK to the Article:

      * Running programs that are sent to you as attachments.

      * Downloading and running pirated software. (If that's how you got it, you deserve it!)

      Have you ever done any of those?

      So, how do you NOT get viruses? It's pretty easy, actually. Just use some simple, common sense steps.

      1. NEVER run programs that are sent to you as attachments, unless you know and trust the sender, AND KNOW THE PROGRAM IS BEING SENT BEFOREHAND. Even then, be suspicious. Your friends won't deliberately send you an infected file, but do you know how secure their system is?

      If you weren't told the program was coming, don't run it, no matter who sent it. There are new viruses out all the time that attach themselves to emails as their method of propagation. The "senders" usually don't even know the attachment exists.

      2. For Word, Excel, and any other software that uses macros, get paranoid. Go to the Macros menu item, and select the Security option. Set it to high, and refuse to run any macros except from those sources you designate as "Trusted." Mac users should not be smug about this - macro viruses are cross platform.

      The vast majority of users won't be affected by this at all. Most of us don't use macros in our documents.

      3. Ask people who need to send you documents to use .rtf (Rich Text Format) instead of .doc format. In most cases this will give exactly the same results and appearance. And RTF files can't spread viruses.

      If they don't know how to do this, explain it. When they save the file, they simply choose Rich Text Format from the "Save as type" options instead of accepting the default .doc format.

      Another advantage is that RTF files are generally readable on any platform. Handy for dealing with people who may not have exactly the same programs that you use.

      Oh yeah... Send documents in this format yourself whenever feasible. ;)

      4. Turn off the ability of your HTML capable email software to run ActiveX or other code without asking first. And then only allow it when you know the sender. (Hint: How many people do you know who write email containing ActiveX or other scripting... ?)

      5. Get a good anti-virus program. Update it regularly. Run it all the time.

      Good anti-virus software is no longer a paranoid's indulgence. It's a necessity.

      You'll want to set it to the highest security you can live with. If you get huge amounts of email and have a slow machine, you may not want to tell it to scan every email that's downloaded, but you'll probably want every other option checked.

      Yes, it will slow things down a small amount. In most cases, you'll never notice it. If it gets too bad, you can disable the less important options, like scanning inside zip files.

      You don't need to scan your drives every time you boot up the machine, of course. But do it occasionally to be safe. You should be able to use the Esc. key to by pass the bootup virus scan. [This doesn't include the blue death scan -- :) let that continue to proceed. That is only if the computer didn't shut down properly...and yes it will try to put a guilt trip on ya, but hey even the best of us get it. :)

      Updating your Anti-Virus (AV) software frequently is a must. There are tens of thousands of viruses out there, and more developed all the time. It does you no good to have the software if it's not current. I'm using pc-cillin and it updates weekly. Automatically.

      Even with the best AV software, you still want to keep other security measures in place. These programs don't work on a virus until the developers know the virus exists. And frequently they don't know until shortly AFTER a major outbreak.

      Melissa was a great example of this.

      Three of the better anti-virus programs are:

      Pc-Cillin has a online scan "Housecall" for your computer. See below for instant access

      Anti-Virus program from Panda
      Or Anti-Virus, from Norton

      With any anti-virus software, you can encounter occasional problems. It's an unfortunate but necessary part of the way the programs work. Some legitimate commercial programs may be treated as viruses, some hardware will have trouble, etc.

      Usually these programs will mention the potential trouble somewhere in their documentation. If you try installing software from commercially purchased CDs or from trusted download sites and have trouble, try the install after turning off the AV program.

      A good anti-virus program is a necessity. (Have I mentioned that yet?)


      [Editors Note: Using a program other than Microsoft Outlook (or as many people now call it, lookout!) for your email will also help you avoid many virus problems. As most have their own virus programs built in.]Keep your private email for those you know, friends, relatives.

      ....................................................... There's at least one "virus" that can affect your system without you downloading anything, opening any programs, or reading any infected emails. All you need to do is run a computer that's connected to the Internet that has a shared drive which doesn't require a password for write access.

      Isn't that fun? Just being connected can be a security risk!

      This one scans the Net looking for machines with the right vulnerabilities, and writes itself to the system when it finds one. The effects of this virus sound like something from one of those hoaxes that are forever going around.

      * It spreads without any action on your part.

      * It can delete everything in your C:\Windows directory and sub-directories, and C:\.

      * It uses your modem to dial 911....

      Yeah. Can you believe that last one? The cretin who wrote this needs to be thrown in jail for life. Tying up emergency services like that could result in deaths.

      Fortunately, this is found in a very limited area so far. The only "sightings in the wild" have been in the Houston, TX area. And yes, it's confirmed. See:

      [ ] confirmation site
      Or the, at: [ ]FBI's advisory
      This is the first virus that propagates this way. You can bet it won't be the last. And future ones will exploit more and more obscure weaknesses in common PC setups. Thats why it's a good idea to get a Firewall Their not hard to install or set up. And you can trace back to the file / person trying to access. Of course this will also annoy some as you can give full access or be asked each time. I prefer a little annoyance to having to lose everything I've got on my computer :)


      A Final Tip:

      If you use Netscape, turn off any type of Scripting in Mail and News.


      I hope you find this information useful. Put it to work, and you can save yourself a lot of headaches down the road.

      Credit for the New News above is given to the following

      ..... This article was written for TalkBiz News, a free email newsletter for small business owners. To subscribe, send any email to

      [Editors note: This article was excerpted from Data Security 101 [I'm sorry I can't post the url as it seems I'm having some link problems on this particular website and I don't want to pass those problems on to you.

      And Yes I did include some of my own comments... where you see my recommendations... I use, etc.

      Tip 1: Have you tried to copy a internet page, to find it won't do what you want it to do... well that can be frustrating I know. So here's a little trick, use the shortcut keys. Go up to Edit on the browser toolbar, Select All, then when it is highlighted, or if you just want to highlight some, hold down the left mouse key where you want to start and then drag across the area you want to highlight. 2nd: Use the Ctrl+C , this will copy, Open your Word97, Word 2000, Corel WPD or Lotus LWP and CTRL+V will paste, if for some strange reason it doesn't turn out to paste like you wanted it to... go to edit [click on "undo" first, then click on edit again down to Paste Special, this is for text only, click on the Unformatted it lays the words out how you saw them online, however does not show the hyperlinks.

      I Love Microsoft Office, but i've found Corel to paste very nicely.

      Tip 2: When you are saving a file, and you want to put it in a new file, depending on the program your using, Microsoft will have a "new folder option" however corel doesn't, but don't let that stop you, just right click and tada, the drop down menu, to "New" and "Folder" will work just fine. :)

      Don't be afraid to try what you know works in other programs, alot of them are inter-operable.

      Tip 3: In Outlook Express, if your like me and get alot of email from one vendor, friend, etc. you want to organize them into their own folders. Or you might lose them when the clock ticks down and says its been there to long. You must get them out of INBOX. If you have several of one kind to go into one folder. hold down on the Ctrl key. And click on each one you want to highlight. Now you'll have several highlighted. Go up to Edit, and Move to folder. Created a new one, or put in an existing one. All will move at one time. Yes you can drag and drop into an existing folder.

      Tip 4: To keep your operating system at tip top shape. Do not put alot of files, or shortcuts on the Desktop. Make a folder on the desktop and move those shortcuts into that.
      Its ok to have a folder for each user, but I would right click on the start menu, "open" then move the folder in that area. When you click on the start button you will see your folder. You can add your documents, or shortcuts by the same way.

      You can Create a folder with "shortcuts" or your name after you open the start menu as well [remember right clicking to open], and then move the files into that. Close. Now click on the START button, and you will see your folder up top.

      Tip 5: Before deleting any programs or software, make sure you check first to see if it can be removed from Control panel. Start Menu, Settings, control panel. Remove/add software. Check to see if the program name is in the list shown. If it is click on it there, and remove button at bottom. If you proceed to delete the files first off your harddrive, it will not remove this name from this box. And could cause problems down the line. Then check for files left in a folder usually with the name of the program you are trying to remove.

      NEW Tip 6.
      instructions to SCAN with the default program.

      1. click on the "Start" button
      2. Go up to Programs
      3. over to accessories at the top
      4. down to "Imaging"
      5. click
      6. After opening, click on "file"
      7. Go down to "select scanner"
      8. a box will open. click on your "scanner"
      9. "ok" button
      10. Go down the "file" menu again
      11. Click on "Scan New"
      12. The scan mode settings will pop up.
      13. Find the "preview button" and click on that
      14. Adjust the borders if needed, make sure it's just a <-- > and not and + form arrows.
      15. Make sure that if it's a black and white picture, change the settings on the left says "Grey scale or Black/white" If color then make sure the drop down says color.
      If you set it at the wrong [24 or 48] it will say it can't work at that setting and will adjust automatically.
      16. Once you have the borders like you want them, click on the "Scan" button.
      17. After the scanning is complete, make sure the % shows 100 not above. This is the accurate size.
      18. once again click on "File" menu to go to "Save As"
      19. The box will open and in the top drop down menu should show "my documents" unless you've already saved several scanning, the first will set the rest.
      20. Drop down to "C:\" click on, then you should see your folder "download" [s] click on and open. Then click on your "picture" and open.
      21. Before saving ...bottom drop down Change from "Tiff" to "BMP" bitmap,
      22. Remember to NAME in "file name" type in the name of the picture you want to identify.
      23. Click on SAVE.
      IF it says there is a file with that name, just add a 1 or 2 or what ever number until it accepts it. or rename it to something else.

      If you live in Bakersfield or Kern county & you'd like an invite to the exclusive Kern County-Bakersfield Group--please click HERE

      I hope this will be helpful for you. Sincerely Your host Linda B

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