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You can have a WEB-PAGE too!

Have you been wanting a webpage to tell the world how special you really are?
Or do you have a small home based business and don't want to invest in a major web-designing or hosting cost.

Well I can give you the best of both worlds.

Have a beautiful, quality site up in less than a day. One picture, a biography, little bit of latest news; or your latest, greatest achievement or business venture.

Add counter and guestbook and wala your set up.

For a small fee, much less than you'd expect, You can have a great looking site.

Numerous backgrounds to choose from. Just state your favorite color

Put your best FACE forward.

Have a great picture you just got done at Glamour shots.... don't be you can send a url to all your relatives so they can get their very own copy :)

Special events or Pictures to share.

Want to show everyone your vacation pictures at one time. This can be arranged to.

contact me by going to lbpc4pc computer tips and services

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