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Getting To Know Me

My name is Kae. I was born (February 7) and raised in New York with two sisters and an older brother.
In 1970 I married Steve, the father of my three sons (Stephen, Craig and Philip). We were a military family and had our two oldest sons in New York and our youngest in Baltimore, Maryland. We traveled alot.My most memoriable homestead was living three years in Germany. In 1991 we divorced and I stayed in California.

I have wonderful grandchildren. My oldest is Haley (Stephen's)She was born in 1995. Haley has a new brother, Bridger, born Jan. 2004. Next is Mikel, he was born in 1997 (Philip's), and Ashley was born in 1998 (Stephen's). Anastazia was born in 1999 (Philip's) with Nathan following in July 2000 (Craig's). Jillion was born in December 2000 (Stephen's). On Super Bowl Sunday of this year, 2004, I was blessed with another granddaughter, Kaitlyn (Philip's).

My sisterhood, Barstow, California

My pets have their own page here
and so do the cyberpets i have ADOPTED here

I collect porcelain faeries and would like to show them to you on this page

My Favorite Sites

Faeries and other wee folks
Faeries and Angels
A beautiful Faerie Card Shop
Nice Victorian graphics
Nice assortment of Faery Links
Adopt a Faerie
A wonderful faerie site, worth a visit
My newest Grandson has his own homepage
Wonderful Fairy site
Fairy art

My zodiac fairy (Aquarius)

My adopted faery, " Halashley", named after my granddaughters.

My Sisterhood Group (joined 12-07-02)