
A Fairy Tale

**~~**Of all the magical beings that populate the mystical expanses of folklore and legend-goblins, ghouls, witches, elves, trolls, spirits and gremlins- the most widely admired is the FAIRY. After all, everyone of use has had an encounter with at least one-the TOOTH FAIRY, miraculously exchanging our ejected teeth for cold hard currency in the middle of the night. Many of us made our first nickel and dimes due to the generosity of this hard working little winged lady.**~~**

Fairies have also received an unusual number of claims of possible real-life existence. Long before the modern equivalent of Rosewell and Aliens, there was the "Cottingley Fairies" incident. In the summer of 1917, two young girls of Cottingley Beck, England produced a photograph of fairies that shocked the world. After much debate throughout London, the acclaimed author of Sherlock Holmes, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was convinced that the photo was genuine and set about making the rest of the world aware of the existence of these little forest creatures. He started by publishing an article in the periodical, The Strand, and later followed it up with his book, The Coming Of The Fairies.**~~**

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