My first entry
Okay, this is awkward, starting out. But hopefully, this will get better. Before I go any further though, I'd like to first tell you NOT to come every day... because I won't be writing in here every day! I DO hope to write at least once a week though.
I still can't imagine, though, WHY you want to know more about me. And seriously, you NEED to get that mind of your's checked out. Okay?
I started the "spring" semester today. I'm taking photography and sign language this time. Today was photography. Anyway, it was interesting. No offense, but I really hope some people will drop the class. I mean, there are SO many people! I'm not used to it. Last semester, all these people dropped, or didn't show (hey, the class was at 7 in the morning!), and we'd have like, at the most five people in the lab, and then when lecture came, the most people that would show would be around 10-15. Yeah, spoiled, I know. *L* But it was REALLY nice. Especially since I know I could have an auditorium of people. heeheehee
I think that's all that's been going on so far... check back for more... if you dare! *L*
So I have time. *L* I doubt that anyone is seriously reading this... and later, when I read this, I'll think, "What dorkiness." But whatever, it's good for a laugh. heeheehee
I worked at MOPs today. Which is, Mothers Of Preschoolers. It takes place at church, and those mothers get time to fellowship with their peers, and hear a speaker. And, I, along with other workers, get to watch their children. The kids are so cute! Of course, that's coming from a girl. *L* Today we were busy, our group of kids (there are several groups, split up by ages) are about newborn (our youngest is really three months), to about crawling... although we do have some walkers already. We had nine kids, and four worker people. Whew! Exahustion! But it was fun.
I went shopping afterwards, and got a pair of shoes and a shirt. heeheehee I LOVE shopping BTW. But I think I've already mention that.
Well, something is wrong with my computer, and it's going QUITE slow (and driving me nuts), so I guess I'll end here.
Till next time.
I had photography again today. Our teacher is pretty much lost her voice, so that's hard. She is still teaching us... I can't believe how dedicated she is! She's been sick since the holidays. Poor thing. Only one good thing came out of her being sick though... we didn't get our assignment yet.
Tomorrow night we start out Bible study up. I'm totally looking forward to it! It's at our college group leader's new apartment. Gee. I hope we can find it! *L* It should be fun. I hope to get her a 'house warming gift' before we go. Ugg. Hope I can fit that in. *smiles*
Well, gotta go. Later!
Bible study is tonight! I'm so excited. We took a break from it over the holidays, and we're getting started tonight. *smiles* Who knew one could be so excited?
Sign language is tomorrow... I have to look up to see what building and what room. Can you imagine me going w/out it? *L* Yeah, you could. Okay, okay! I give up, I'll make sure and check tonight before bed. hehehe I'm ecstatic about that class. I've taken sign language before, and I want to get into it again. I really like sign language. *smiles*
Right now I'm waiting for a friend to call, so I have time. Let's see... anything major happen between yesterday and today? Nothing except for the fact that I slept. *L* Seriously, nothing too major.
Since I'll bore anyone that reads this, I'd better stop. So! Till we meet again...
This is really interesting. I'm actually keeping up two diaries/journals. This one, and the one I write in every night. Only me. *L*
Sign language was today. My teacher is deaf. He is so funny/interesting/great/wonderful/unbelieveable!!! And yes! Those are compliments! I'm sure I'll be learning a lot this semester. And the pretty good thing is, I'm sure my class will be pretty small... which means, more one-on-one time with him.
My friend from college group is also taking the class. Which was wonderful to find out. *smiles*
I can't believe I actually put my pic up on the site! Ahh!!! What AM I thinking?!! My best friend took it, and I developed the film, and made the prints, and scanned it on my 'puter. And I had to sort of figure out how the height and width should be. Ugg. Hard. Because it's pixels... I know it isn't the right porportions.. but I'll deal with it because I'm too lazy to really fix it. It's okay the way it is. *L*
NEwayz, I've written too much, and taken up a lot of room. Later!
Wow. I haven't written for a while. Let's see... what's new?
I've been sort of *depressed* lately. I don't want to see friends, and I don't want to talk to anybody. And if you know me, you know I like to talk. But seriously, I've just been in one of those *funks* lately. *sigh*
School is going well. I think I'm actually starting to learn something. My sign language class is SO great! My teacher is really something. *smiles*
I've gotten up a new site... go check it out... it's quite different... I must say. Click Here I need help on it though. So tell me if you have any suggestions.
That's about it. I guess I'll try to write more often than I have been. *L*
Talk about not writing for awhile! It's been a whole month since I've entered anything into here. Whew! Okay, well, the major thing I wanted to mention was, the guys in our college group put on something for the girls in honor of Valentine's Day, "Chivalry IS NOT Dead". They were SO awesome!!! They opened doors, escorted us in from our cars, served us, gave us flowers and a teddy bear *aww! how sweet!*, danced with us, and they brought in some swing dancing instructors. And to top all that off, they had made dinner, decorated the room, made the bouquets of flowers, etc., etc., etc.!!!
Overall, up until Valentine's Day, I was quite depressed that I didn't have a sweetheart to share the big V. Day with. That day, I was still sort of mopy because I didn't recieve any red roses or candy from a secret admirer... but that night, I spent it with some girl friends. We hung out, watched a movie, and chatted, girl-style. *wink* But it ended up being an okay V. Day.
Depression is something that I've been struggling with. I started crying at accountability... crying is something I just don't do. For those of you who know me well, you know crying is way out of character for me.
Photography is going great. I have a project due this Monday. Yikes! I'm not quite sure which pics I'll be turning in... they aren't as great as I had hoped.
But, I DID end up shooting THREE+ rolls of film yesterday. When I get back from break, I'll have SO much to develope!! Ahh!!!
Our weather is really crazy here in Southern California. Off and on raining. Today it just POURED! And then, towards the afternoon, it just cleared up over here, and the sun just shone! *smiles*
And talking about strange weather, we've had a couple of twisters. Okay, we now have earthquakes, rain, snow, sleet, hail, fires, AND twisters. What's up what THAT?? Oddness.
And that's pretty much what's been going on. Later!
Well, I've been quite busy for the past couple of weeks. I've been on a *happy high* for a while now. I'm expecting to come off of it soon, but I'm enjoying it while I can. *smiles*
I had a photo shoot not this past week, but the week before, and the negs AND the pictures came out so awesome, I was totally excited. FINALLY I finally have some great pictures. I was literally showing them off, and bouncing up and down with delight. I'm planning on shooting this week, Monday and Wednesday, in the studio, and if we have nice weather, hopefully outside.
Which leads me to say, we have had SUCH nice weather these past couple of days. Wonderful So. Cal. weather. Warm, sunny, slightly breezy, and quite clear (which, as you all know, is NOT something California is known for). Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful.
Well, I'm going out tonight, so later everyone.
Hey all! I feel like I haven't written in a kajillion years! I don't remember if I already said that I have a *job* or not, and I haven't the time to go read what I've said.... but I have a *job*, taking care of kids after school. It's only supposed to be two to three hours every day, but sometimes it's more, sometimes less. It is exhausting though! Especially when I start out tired. The kids are 4 and 10... whew!
I was out of sorts this weekend... but now it seems so long ago. Thank goodness. I'm stressed, and don't know how to deal with it. Any suggestions?
NEwayz, I have to go get the kids... more later on my life!!!
Wow! It has been FOREVER (and a half) since I've last written. Gee. I'm way too lazy. NEwayz, I think I'm doing okay... at least, better anyway. I had breakfast with my dad, and now I think we're closer... so THAT'S good. :o)
One of my friends has accepted Christ... and I am WAY phyched about it. Phyched, now THAT'S a weird word.
Right now I'm stuck at home... my parents are doing soccer registration for AYSO , and my brother is out somewhere, skating.
I, on the other hand am stuck here... although, I think I may have mentioned that. I wanted to go to Lighthouse (my local Christian *book*store)... which is a store that sells stuff.
Which reminds me, I should update my links page... I got a ton, and I should like, catagorize 'em all. What do you think? Oh! And I have a new pic of me that I scanned... sorta funny lookin' though. But oh well. Maybe I can get a couple more scanned in later.
Well, off to go and work on the site. Laters!
Dude! I haven't written in forevers... as usual. *L* NEwayz... what's been going on?? Okay, well, I applied to Old Navy ... and I got the job! How exciting! Yay!
I am graduating tomorrow... shoot! That reminds me, I have to get to bed so I can actually get to sleep... btw, it's like, 12:20 AM. Bleah. Oh well. I'll live... hopefully.
Last Tuesday and Wednesday I went to Catalina. It was pretty awesome. :o) I think I learned more this time than I did last time... but boy! I was tired the entire trip! Bleah. I did have fun though... and the worship was pretty awesome too.
This is for Matt...
I went to Knott's this past Saturday, and totally didn't think I'd have a good time... but I ended up having a blast in the end. A good reminder when you're in a crabby mood... is not to take it out on everyone, and try to get into a good mood. I was such a crab, and I decided that, what the heck, and I changed my attitude, or at least attempted to... at first I was acting so fake, and then I got into the cheerful mood, and the night ended up being really awesome, and Matt and I are now back to being great friends. Brother and sister, we totally fight. :o)
Well, I should go, it is too late for me! :o) HAHA For all those who know me. *wink*
Wow! I can't believe I forgot to mention Hawaii! I'll be going the 28, and coming home the 12. OHMYGOODNESS!!!! I am SO psyched! :o) My cousin's wedding is July 1, 2000. COOLNESS! (HAHA that's MY word Sarah!)
I don't think there's anything else to mention... if so, I'll just do it another time! Later peeps!
Wow. Two whole days before my birthday. :o) Okay, WOWNESS. The 8th seems like it was a LONG time ago... but it TOTALLY doesn't seem like THAT long ago... I mean, I didn't think it was that long ago that I applied to Old Navy, and I didn't think it was that far away that I found out about Hawaii (for sureness). Wow!
Tomorrow is the AYSO soccer tournament. *sigh* I'm sorta looking forward to it... sorta not. I'm hoping that I get someone talk to. :oP If I don't have fun... BLEAH! It's MY BIRTHDAY WEEKEND! I'm already pouting. :o( BUT, some of my friends are coming to see me, so, hopefully, I'll have a semi good time. :o)
Okay, gotta go. Talk to Matt. Ugh. *L* j/k!
The time between each writing gets longer and longer. *L* NEwayz... I'm doing good... I think. :o) I really don't have anything to say... I feel all talked out. Umm... I'm excited, 'cause I finally have pics up on my site. Ya'll can see how dumb I really look.
I'm having a great time at my job. I LOVE it! I'm *officially* a lead... and I'm trying really hard not to let it get to my head. :o) I think there are rumours that I'm like, an assistant manager or something. AHHHHHH!!!!! Later in life, I hope that I'll be a manager... but not now! I'm not experienced enough! *L*
I'm battling a cold.. man, I hate colds. They really run you down. :oP THAT was random.
NEwayz... I have a midterm tomorrow... I need sleep. I'll type more when I get a chance.
Well, well... it's been over a month since my last entry! Let's see... I have a new manager at work... okay, two of 'em... but the one I'm thinking about, I'm having problems with. I talked to my general manager today (finally), and he said he'd see what he could do, and he'd get back to me in a few days.
Now, if you know me... You'll know that I have an EXTREME amount of tolerance. I can get shoved, and shoved again... and still be patient. Yesterday my manager just pushed the wrong button, and I got very upset. And I argued with him... he was wrong and he knew it, and he discriminated himself with me (and other sales associates) and the other managers. Hey, I thought we were supposed to be a team here?!!
So, I and another girl went and talked to my general manager. I SO felt like I was going to cry, I was so upset. I can't believe how heated I got! I can't wait for this all to be over... I really can't take the abuse any more...
Well! After I let that all out...
For the most part, I'm doing better... esp. after talking to my gm about the whole situation. It needed to be talked about to someone that can and hopefully will take action. If not, I am seriously thinking about bringing the law in... he CANNOT discriminate people and think he can get away with it... if you treat people like crap, don't think they're going to take it... even the most tolerant person isn't going to stand by and just smile. Dude, the world DOESN'T work that way, sorry.
Nothing too new lately... just the fact that I'm working more. And I'm really tired and exhausted. School is almost out for me... which means, more work. AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! On my availability, I now have 40+ (that starts when school lets out)... SOOO... I thought I was working a lot now?? HAHAHA Yeah right.
Gotta jet, work again tomorrow morning, and I SO need my sleep.
Things I'm Praying For