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Win My Award !

If You want to Be Site Of The Month Winner You can Click here
What you gotta do is sign the guestbook OR put my banner on your page!(It's on the bottom)Then you get the award!So fill this out!:

Page URL:
Page Title:
Did you sign the Guestbook?: Yes No (Please check 1)
Are you putting the banner on your page?: Yes No (Please check 1)

There are 2 awards: A silver and a gold medal page.The one below is the silver and the gold one.I will choose which one you recieve.Everyone who applies wins one of these.

Put My banner on your page and your a step closer to winning my page! (a href="")(img src="")
Change the ()'s to <>'s!

Sign The Guestbook...and your another step closer to winning my my Award!
