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Binding Ties WebRing
Here it is!

This is the HTML code you will need to copy and paste onto the MAIN PAGE of your site. Remember, it must be easily seen by others. Please be sure it appears on your page correctly...or the binds of the Binding Ties WebRing will be broken. If you run into probelms with the HTML code here, send your concerns to the e-mail address at the bottom of this page.

Special Instructions: Replace "YOURID" with the site id number given to you; "YOUREMAILADDY" with your e-mail address; and "YOURNAME" with your name.

When you are done, click here to go back to the Binding Ties main page.

Note:You may choose to use either the HTML code with or without graphics.

Here is the HTML code without graphics

<!--Begin Binding Ties HTML comment--> <center><font size="-2"><b> This <a href" tml">Binding Ties Webring</a>site is owned by<a href="maito:YOUREMAILADDY">YOURNAME</a>.<br> |<a href=" dring;id=YOURID;next">Next</a> |<a href=" dring;random">Random</a> |<a href=" dring;list">List Sites</a>|<br> Want to join the Ring? Click here for<a href=" html">info</a>.</font></b> <!--End Binding Ties HTML comment-->

Here is how it will look on your page...

ThisBinding Ties Webringsite is owned by your name.
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Want to join the Ring? Click here for info.

Here's the HTML code with graphics

<!--Begin Binding Ties HTML comment--> <center> <table><tr><td> <table bgcolor="red" border="1" target=_top align="left"> <tr><td> <a href=" html"> <img src="" height="55" width="115" </tr></td> <tr><td bgcolor="red" align="center"> <font size="-1"><font color="white"><b><i> Binding Ties</b></i> </font></tr></td></table></a> <table><tr><td> <table bgcolor="red" border="1" target=_top align="right"> <tr><td> <a href=" dring;id=YOURID;next"> <img src="" height="55" width="115"> </tr></td> <tr><td bgcolor="red" align="center"> <font size="-1"><font color="white"><b><i> Next Site</b></i> </font></tr></td></table></a> <center><font size="-2"This <a href=" html"> Binding Ties WebRing</a> site is owned by <a href="mailto:YOUREMAILADDY">YOURNAME</a>.<br> |<a href=" dring;id=YOURID;next">Next</a> |<a href=" dring;random">Random</a> |<a href=" dring;list">List Sites</a> |<br>Want to join the ring? Click here for <a href=" html">info</a>. <!--End Binding Ties HTML comment-->

Here is how it will look on your page...

Binding Ties
Next Site
ThisBinding Ties WebRing site is owned by your name.
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Want to join the Ring? Click here forinfo.
