This is a story of family secrets, lies, betrayal, and rivalry. The set-up: The adult Godbolt children have come home for their father, Reverend Godbolt's seventy-fifth birthday party.

"What do you think of those horrible Ebonics they’re trying to push in the schools? When I was growing up, our teachers told us to enunciate and speak proper English. The other day, I was so tickled that one of my customers on the phone at work thought that I was white."

"Is that so?" Nefertiti felt her eyebrow lifting, but she told herself, Don’t argue politics or religion. You’re on a mission. Don’t get sidetracked.

"Well then, how’s your little shop? Mother Dear told me about it." Everyone called Miss Magg by her name, but this daughter-in-law had to distinguish herself to show them that they were using the wrong name.

After what felt like hours to Nefertiti, but was actually only minutes of shuffling around in social intercourse, Nefertiti tried to politely make her exit, when Little Josh asked in a condescending manner, "How’s business, Sis?"

"Couldn’t be better." Nefertiti felt her cheeks warm, knowing Joshua didn’t care, and knowing to him, his bottom line was cash, so in his world, her business was not doing well.

"Oh, business at the agency has been pretty good this year. I think I’ll be promoted this year to regional manager."

Nefertiti couldn’t help herself. "Well, you wouldn’t think you had a dime the way Cousin Letty Pearl told me."

"What are you talking about?"

"You know Cousin Letty Pearl is still too through with you over not helping bury her granddaughter. It’s a shame how the child went to visit her father in Texas and drowned at a day camp swim out. It took them two weeks to get the body back to Louisiana."

Suddenly all of the starch dropped out of Little Josh’s speech.

"I’m not thinking about Letty Pearl ‘n them. I’m sick of anytime somebody black got somethin, they family think they just a money tree to come runnin up to beggin. Letty Pearl is a distant cousin on Mama’s side. I don’t know nothing about her people. Now take white folks.

"When somebody in their family got some money, they don’t think anybody got to owe them something. We the only race of people ain’t got nothing, yet always trying to help somebody. That’s why we can’t get ahead. Look, I helped on Big Mama Lily’s funeral and Grandpa Bullocks’. I got a family, too. And from what I remember, they still leaving food out for their dead after they die down there. And they takes the shovel and everybody helps bury their dead. Now if that ain’t as backwater as you can get, I don’t know what is. I ain’t got no money to be putting in all that old superstitious bull. What yall think I’m runnin around here, Union Bank? I’m not putting no mo’ money in the ground."

"Well ‘scuse us Negroes." Nefertiti could feel herself ready to go off. "You’re just a selfish pig. You always were. I see you don’t feel that way about sharing when it comes to Rev’s land. You know you are beyond ignorant, if you think you can make it like a fly in the buttermilk. What with all this downsizing, and affirmative action reversal, we are all going to need each other."

"Well, my job is secure. That’s not what this is about. I know you. Let’s face it. Dad always said that I would get the largest portion of his will, being as I am the oldest and his namesake. Are you jealous of that, Nefertiti? Isn’t being married to a white man enough for you? I heard about that big house you have out in California."

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