When a parent forces adoption (or abortion,) does it satisfy their own guilt and shame or is it for the best interest of the child?
Is forcing a minor mother to give her child away the same as rape, in the sense of taking away a person's power and constitutional rights?
Can an adoptive child feel loved the same way as a blood child?
Why did the adoptees launch the adoption reunion movement?
Are adoption reunions healthy?
You will learn solutions as there are milestones to a reunion between adoptees and birth parents.
How do you get beyond the 5 stages of grief, to the point of acceptance?
Should a birthparent let a child given away for adoption hold you hostage to the past?
Can you free yourself, therefore free your child?
Should you expect that a reunion will be smooth?
How do you bond to children you did not raise?
How do the new family dynamics play out when the adoption was once a family secret?