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kick ass homepages!!!!

NaOmI's PaGe : An awesome girl with an even more awesome page!

AlLiSoN's WoRlD : Such a cool experience..A must see :)

M*u*t*o*k*u*t*e*n : Shan's way cool page with awesome linx

KaTe'S pAgE : A great page dedicated to one's love

EmMaLeIgH's PaGe : This page is so wonderful...of course, so is em..:)

DaVe'S pAGe : He is the greatest..check out his page

RhIaNnOn'S pAGe : A very cool page by one very cool chick ;)

ChElLe'S pAgE : Amazing page by an amazing gal :)

ErIc'S pAgeS : Rockin' Page, Rockin' Guy, What else can i say? :)

~ BaCk To BlAnKgRl'S sItE ~

~ ReAd My PoEtRy ~

~ AcKnOwLeDgEmEnTs ~
