"And when, I wake up...the touch of your head on my shoulder..." said Nick
in 'NO ONE ELSE COMES CLOSE' off of the 'Millennium' album...which Jennifer
was listening to in her bedroom.
"What are you listening to?" asked Brian, not hearing anything, just
walking in.
"Have you heard of knocking?" asked Jennifer, looking at her fiancè's cousin.
"Yeah," said Brian, "But I didn't really WANT to!" They both start laughing.
"Oh," said Brian, listening to the music, "Us..."
"Yeah..." said Jennifer, looking at him. "Are you SURPRISED?!"
"No," said Brian. "But, do you know where Jess is?"
Jessica, Jennifer, Vicki, Erin, and Danielle are all REAL good friends.
"Well, I think she said that her and the other girls are going to go to the
mall...they thought they needed new 'outfits'." said Jennifer.
"Great..." said Brian.
"They should be back within two hours...or 5," said Jennifer, looking at
her watch.
"Blessing me with a family, who did all they could," said Kevin, walking
into Jennifer's room.
"Well, well, well..." said Jennifer. "Your family doesn't knock before
entering!" "No," said Brian and Kevin. "Never."
"Uh." said Jennifer. "How...CUTE!"
"Cute?" asked Brian. "I was thinking you were going to say...'Rude'."
"Nope...not rude!! I don't think it's RUDE, maybe WEIRD...not RUDE."
"Let's go," said Kevin, taking Jennifer's hand from her magazine she was
"And exactly WHERE are we going?" asked Jennifer.
"Somewhere," said Kevin, taking her hand again.
"OK...." said Jennifer, getting a weird look on her face.
While they were leaving the room, Brian just stood in there looking around
at the posters that she had of them up in her room.
"Wow," said Brian. "I never knew we were so...what's the word?"
"I believe it is...'Cool'," said AJ, stepping into Jennifer's room.
"Uh-hem," said Jennifer, looking from Brian to AJ.
"We're getting out," said Brian and AJ.