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The Gallery of Freedom

Most of these documents are borrowed from the online exhibition of The National Archives. Check them out!

Way back when... The English Magna Carta from 1215...

The words that changed the world... The Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776.

The greatest document of law ever written. Too bad not even the Supreme Court reads it anymore.

The Bill of Rights.

George Mason's Virginia Declaration of Rights.
This inspired both Jefferson's Declaration of Independence and Madison's Bill of Rights.

Emancipation... Sadly, we still have a long way to go.


(you'll need a RealAudio Plug-in to hear these)

President Bush announces the attack on Iraq, January 16, 1991.

President Reagan asks Gorbachev to tear down the Berlin wall, June 12, 1987.

Defense Secretary John Knott discloses the British Invasion of the Falkland Islands, April 25, 1982.

President Reagan addresses nation on the situation in Poland, December 23, 1981.

Egyptian President Anwar Sadat speaks to the Israeli Parliament, November 20, 1977.

Neil Armstrong lands on the moon, July 20, 1969. (One small step for man, a giant leap for mankind...)

Barry Goldwater gives a presidential campaign address in 1964.
(The election isn't one for the records; this election is one for the history books...)

Barry Goldwater, declares his candidacy for President, January 3, 1964.

Martin Luther King Jr. speaks at the Lincoln Memorial, Washington, D.C., August 28, 1963. (I have a dream...)

John Foster Dulles announces the fall of Dien Bien Phu, and speaks about the necessity of free people to fight for their freedom. May 7, 1954.

General Douglas MacArthur speaks to a joint session of Congress upon retiring from the Army, April 20, 1951. (Old soldiers never die, they just fade away...)

President Truman sends troops to Korea, June 30, 1950.

WW2 propaganda... "Any Bonds Today?" for Windows and for Mac.

Winston Churchill speaks to the people during the Battle of Britain, June 18, 1940. (This was their finest hour...)

Winston Churchill's first radio address to the nation as Prime Minister, May 19, 1940.
(the long night of barbarism will end...we conquer, as conquer we must-as conquer we shall...)

Prime Minister Chamberlain informs the nation that England is now at war with Germany, September 3, 1939.

General Pershing, commander of the US expeditionary force in France during WW 1, speaks to the nation from Allied Headquarters, Chaumont, France, probably April, 1918.
(Three thousand miles from home, an American army is fighting for you...)

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