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Ramblin' Man

The picture above was taken in California in June 1999.
Now, I know what you're thinking, so: NO, I was NOT drunk,
and YES I was FORCED. So there. Now let's get down to business!

I've always enjoyed travelling - in civilized areas and in civilized ways, that is. I have never
had the desire to go backpacking. Dirty clothes, sunburns, insects, sore feet and
completely uncontrollable climatic conditions are not my cup of tea. My philosophy is that
99% of all human progress since the invention of the wheel (and maybe that took place in
a prehistoric garage?) has happened indoors. The Great Outdoors are for wars, pestilence
and filth, none of which I wish to associate with more than strictly necessary (i.e. school).

Nor have I felt the urge to seek out this war, pestilence & filth in the shape of third world
countries (West Virginia notwithstanding). I've never fathomed the fascination with
poverty, underdevelopment, superstition, corruption, etc which are the main features of
non-western countries. I say re-colonize them, build some good roads and schools, teach
them proper English and get them some decent air-conditioning. Then we can talk.

On the following pages you can read a bit about my travels and see some pics (no nudes).
Unfortunately, I didn't start taking pictures on journeys until ca 1997, so I don't have any
pics from all my early European journeys. Prior to 1997 I had been to: Sweden, Denmark,
England, Germany, Poland, The Netherlands, Belgium, France, Switzerland, Austria,
Italy, Slovenia, Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina. After 1997 I've added Finland, Iceland,
Russia, Estonia, Canada and the United States. I'll keep you updated (as if you cared).

If you're still reading I presume you're either bored out of your skull, or deranged. In
either case, you should now be mentally prepared to proceed to the picture pages. The
pictures are linked, not posted, so it won't take ages to download them, you only have to
see what you want to see (and believe me, that's better for the both of us).

Abandon all hope ye who enter here…

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