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California Dreamin'

The day after we returned from Estonia I left again, this time for sunny California. My old friend Albertine (the caffeine freak) had moved back to La Jolla just outside San Diego, where she had attended high school. In addition I had made a very good friend in Rohnert Park who I wanted to see.

I stayed ten days in CA and I'm not sure if there's all that much to tell. The west coast is not remotely as interesting as the east coast historically speaking (especially to an anglophile like yours truly).

San Diego seems to be a nice place for its size (currently the 6th largest city in the US methinks?) and the La Jolla area is scenic and safe. They have nice beaches for those who are interested in such things. In one small bay there's a colony of seals that from what I gathered constituted something of a tourist attraction. They had a certain charm to them, but if I wanted to look at fat, stupid, immobile animals I'd just get a picture of Ted Kennedy. (Denis Leary's immortal label: "A good senator but a bad date")

I rented a car with Alamo and left for Rohnert Park, which is about 45mins north of San Francisco. Very scenic surroundings, but the town itself is a good example that even natural urban sprawl is preferable to bureaucratic planning.

I drove Interstate 5 most of the way, and it was actually an interesting ride. This statement must strike a Californian as odd, if not stark raving mad, because for hours it's pretty damn flat, and you almost feel like you're in Iowa or Kansas. But to me it was a very new experience. Most of Norway is very hilly… deep valleys, mountains, mounds - few large stretches of flat land. So to me the landscape was downright exotic. Also, there are some almost scenic places along the way.

In Rohnert Park I met up with my new chat friend Cheney, who at that time studied international politics. I drove back to San Diego the day after, and misjudged the time it would take. I wasn't back home until around 2.30-3 am and the last hour I was slapping myself silly just to stay awake (notice to the CA highway police: the above statement is a joke. At least if YOU are asking.)

Back in San Diego I rounded off the visit with a trip to the Sea World amusement park. The highlight was the "killer
whales". It's incredible what you can make those huge animals do. They jump on command, you can ride on their backs, or on their noses for a little reward. Come to think of it, just like Ted Kennedy.

They also have some nice ice bears and sharks plus a great cinema thingy with moving seats… feels like you're in a bloody helicopter… Recommended!

I also managed to squeeze in a couple of hours at the San Diego Zoo which is one of the most famous in the world. Unfortunately their most famous attraction, the Pandas, were resting so we didn't get to see them. Must be hard work sitting on their fat asses eating all day (ok, no more Ted Kennedy jokes).

The only half decent pic I took in the Zoo was this, of a buck. (I do believe his name was Ted, though. Ok, ok…sorry…)

Now on to the lazy hazy crazy days of summer

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