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Ode to a Lime Green Headband


O headband lying in a makeup case
When last didst thou adorn a face?

Were daughters four, long years ago,
With hair of auburn and golden glow,
And though its arrival none may recall
'Twas used and beloved by them all.

The eldest girl wore it gladly,
To school and special places
Until, when it was looking badly,
'Twas used for washing faces.

To hold the hair up off the face
While greasy brow was lathered
The headband now had found its place
Where cosmetic stuffs were gathered.

Then, left behind by daughter first
'Twas taken up by the second
Who also left it, none the worst,
When greener pastures beckoned.

Then finally, when number three
Had last gone out the door,
It then became the property
Of daughter number four.

A legacy for her to wear
Or sometimes to ignore,
She kept it safe and in good care,
For twenty years or more.

Until the day when daughter oldest
Did visit, and she spied
The headband, then her voice it's loudest
Didst ring out as she cried -

"So here it is! At last I see,
After all this time.
It's been too long away from me
I'm taking it. - It's mine!"

Away she went, headband in tow,
Her youngest sister left
Alone to wonder why is it so
That she must be bereft?

Now all may hear, though not understand,
For love is a mystery -
The love for the lime green headband,
Will go down in history.

(Written with much mirth by sister #4 for sister #1 Dec/98)smile

The Adams Girls July 1963