Anonymous Pictures
Picture of Ryan from the inside cover of the cd.
Picture of Chris from the inside cover of the cd.
Picture of Tomas from the inside cover of the cd. (No longer with the band)
Picture of Kevin from the inside cover of the cd.
Picture of James from the inside cover of the cd.
Picture of Josh from the inside cover of the cd. (No longer with the band, but has been replaced by Pat Calpin.
Picture of a flyer from a show they did on November 3rd, 1998.
Live In Chicago At The Metro On 02/28/99
Pic #1
Pic #2
Pic #3
Pic #4
Pic #5
Pic #6
Pic #7
Pic #8
Pic #9
Pic #10
Pic #11
Pic #12
Pic #13
Pic #14
Pic #15
Pic #16
Pic #17
Pic #18
Pic #19
Pic #20
Pic #21
Pic #22
Pic #23
Thanks to Mike Hollins for supplying some of these photos from the Metro. Click
to visit his Green Day page.