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HEART TANK: Once beating Chill Penguin, the stage is all ice. At the part with the hundreds of mine working robots, go under all the platforms until you reach the end to find a Heart Tank. SUPER CHARGE: Once getting the Headbutt Helmet, go to where there are some weird blocks in the ceiling before the part where the fire breaks the bridges. Dash Jump and grab the end of the blocks. Repeatadily jump and you should reach the top. You can wait to get the Super Charge from Zero as well later in the game. ENERGY TANK: Go as far up as possible at the mine worker robots part. Dash Jump off the highest ledge to the left and grab the wall. Break the blocks with your feet to get the tank. FLAME MAMMOTH: Equip with the Storm Tornado from Storm Eagle. When he jumps, grab the walls and blast him with the tornado. When he fires little flames, Dash away. They really burn! When he shoots gas on the floor, he'll blast it with a little flame making a huge fire, so dodge it!

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