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HEART TANK: There is a well hidden Heart Tank in this stage. Once obtaining the Speed Boots, go to the part where you must go down the ladders where there are two motorcycle robots. Don't go down the ladders. Instead, go up the wall and you will see a small ledge above you. Get kinda low down from the ledge and dash off the wall and grab onto the ledge. Climb up. ENERGY TANK: There's a well hidden Energy Tank in this stage as well. Once obtaining the Boomerang Cutter from Boomer Kawanger and you've defeating Storm Eagle, go to the beginning of the stage and keep staying low on the stage climbing down ladders. Wait till you come to a dead end where you have to go up a ladder. Don't. Over the wall is a tank. Use the Boomerang Cutter to grab the tank and bring it back to you. SPARK MANDRILL: This boss is a snap as long as you have the Ice Shotgun from Chill Penguin eqipped. Simply shoot him and he becomes an ice cube, but breaks out. Repeatadily shoot him when he's not ice until he explodes.

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